1.Your Thymus Gland is located on top of your chest below the collar bone!
It releases T cells, boost energy, relieves stress, and increases strength and vitality!
For a quick release of energy tap with your fingers for 20 seconds…
2.Soak up the sun for 15-20 min daily!
Sun light increases vitamin D production to fight inflammation and infections.
3.Swap out your afternoon coffee with a cup of green tea, which is also known to help with weight loss….
4.Do not stay seated for prolong time!
Your blood vessels have a tendensy to constrict during long periods of inactivity….
5.Give your brain a mini vacation by blinking 20 to 30 times! Blinking will relax your brain function for a short period of time and help you to re focuse again.
6.Drink a natural dark veggies juice, best if freshly squezzed…..high in nutrition and antioxidants!
7.Socialize with positive high energy friends!
The positive energy will simply rub of on you 🙂
8.Take deep Yoga breaths.
Breathing deeply will relax muxcle and tension!
9.Sit upright.
Changing posture can improve overall feeling of good and relieve tension.
10.Eat an apple 🙂
Apples are some of the high nutricious foods, high in fiber and pectin.
Pectin in apples can help release toxins from the tissue.
11.Drink water!
The most common reason for fatique is dehydration!!!