
All posts for the month July, 2012

Our bodies are not created equal!
We all have different shapes, different metabolic rates depending on genetics!
A Endomorph has hip to shoulder ratio is wider (meaning hips much wider that shoulder )!
Bigger legs than arms with a slower metabolic rate, and the tendency of obesity later in life!
If you are an Endomorph prepare yourself early and start weight training to keep your fat burning machine high!!!
Also density training can take care of the higher amount of intramuscular fat tissue in your body!!!
Make sure to get your thyroid and kidney check regularly …..
The Mesomorph is the lucky one when it comes to gaining lean muscle!
Hip to waist ratio about the same!
The desired X as we call it in Competition Training, which means nice shoulders, small waist. Nice quads!!!
Higher testosterone levels and metabolic rate!
Easy to gain muscle and lean out!!!
The Ectomorph is the unlucky skinny one, ore the skinny fat!
Build like a string bean, hip to shoulder ratio is the same, and no big difference in waist ratio….
Hard to build muscle!
Gains fat in the midd section!
Skinny until later in life!!!
Try to build muscle now and eat clean to prevent stomach fat!
Stay away from sugar….
Most people are a mix of two different types’
I know I have my calves and legs from my dad’s Mesomorph body, but my upper body and waist my mothers Ectomorph body type!
You can beat your genetics to some degree with training and diet!!!
Make it your work of art!!!
Endomorph : overtrain your legs to break down some of that big muscle, density training for intramuscular fat, build up your upper body to even it out!
Mesomorph ….lucky you 🙂
Next time I want to be born as a Mesomorph !!!
Ectomorph: keep weight lifting to build up those muscles ( it may take you a little longer)
Work on your clean eating habits..

We are all God’s special creations!

We are a little more than one week out from Our competition in Culver!
So what is it you need to expect?
1. Anxiety taking over especially if it is your first time!
Don’t worry, it’s not as dramatic as you think 🙂
You actually will have some fun and this will be
a great experience!!!
2. Everything will be anoying to you !!!
You have no patience left …..
It’s okay, it’s normal 🙂
Relax and take it easy!
3. You cry without reason!
Competitions are stressful ….
You want to give your best and are extremely
hard on yourself’
So you watch the next SPCA commercial and
break out into tears 🙁
Again, it is totally normal 🙂 drink some hot
Camomile tea and get over it!
4. You are making a big deal out of the diet and are
Not sure of you are following everything correctly!!!
You are fine!!! Take a deep breath and relax!
You are already there…no worries !!!
5. You want a divorce !!
Calm down… It’s not him…it’s you (lol)!
7. Everybody is after you!!!
No!!! You are nuts right now, because your
Estrogen levels are low and that’s hell for a female
Brain 🙂
7. You look terrible and you are not ready!!!
You look amazing and your hard work shows of 🙂
Now that we cleared this up (Lmbo) eat your dry chicken and asparagus, and drink your plain water!!!
See you soon 🙂
Remember : you are beautiful, amazing, strong and ready!!!
Angela and I love you!
We are proud of how far you have come!!!
Let’s do this!!!

I know we all want to lose weight right now!!!
It took you years to put it on, but you want to get rid of it in one day….
Well, everyone can lose weight!
You starve yourself and drop pounds quickly , then go back to your old eating habits gain it all back and more 🙁
So what happened?
First of all eating and living healthy is a life style!
If you want to maintain that healthy body you can not go back from where you came!
Logic right?
Second losing weight quickly just means that you lost water and muscle ( like I mentioned previously … Your calorie burning machine).
Every pound of muscle needs X amount of calories per day just to survive!
Cutting down on muscle means less calories for you, it’s that simple!!!
So now you’ve lost 10 pounds in a short period of time, which means you have less muscle but more body fat since it didn’t go anywhere ….
Ones you eat your favorite snacks again your body will hold on to fat tissue to protect itself, and store all those calories as body fat just to make sure.
That means slower metabolic rate for you, harder to lose weight!
Now your body will give you hunger pains all the time to make sure you keep eating!!!
Typical side effects of yo yo dieting 🙁
Talking about what not to do 😉
I have seen people on the Atkins diet losing 100 pounds but still looking the same!
Because their body fat never lowered and actually increased!
Stop being so concerned about numbers!!!
The only important number should be your body fat!
Women are considered healthy with a body fat under 25% men under 18%
How to do this better?
Eat a clean and healthy diet ( as close as possible to natural state)
Don’t starve yourself ( if you get hungry eat some vegetables and a protein or include a healthy fat like avocado to keep you satisfied longer)
We are designed to move ( that’s why we have muscles)!
Do weights!!!
You need to build muscle to start up your calorie burning machine 🙂
Don’t worry about getting bulky!
These big woman you see in those muscle magazines are not on multivitamines….
95% of men like athletic looking woman!
Drink a gallon of water per day!
Water flushes out your toxins, deliveres oxygen to all your cells, keeps your kidneys and liver healthy, helps speed up fat burn!
Don’t drink sodas or diet soda, any soda slows down your thyroid function and cause kidney stones as well as increase acidity in your body which can lead to cancer!!!
Your fitness should consist in weight lifting, cardiovascular, and flexibility!
Lose weight slower and the right way to get rid of body fat and achieving the body you want!
There is no fast forward button!
Be responsible in your choices!
Be upfront and ask for special cooking instructions and specify your food in restaurants!
Pre cook your meals and package them to protect yourself from making wrong Choices!!!
Losing weight the healthy way may take a little longer but the end result will be 100% satisfactory!

So you got a Personal Trainer but after the first week your weight is not going anywhere…..
It pretty much means you have not been following your meal plan or have been cheating a little to much…..
Even if you are gaining weight does not neccessarly mean that you haven’t been eating ( people actually die of starvation)!
You do not eat your snacks every 3 hours and once you get to eat, you are shuffing everything inside because you are so hungry that you can not control yourself!
But you didn’t eat all your food, so its okay right?
Calories are calories…
While you did not eat your metabolism shutt down and went into the “STARVATION” mode!
Now that you are eating the wrong food, your body doesn’t even think about it and stores all your calories in body fat to be prepaered for the next starvation mode….
You keep losing muscle by starving and keep gaining fat by eating large amounts of food!!!
A deadly cycle 🙁
Muscle is your calorie burning machine!
The more muscle you have, the more calories you can eat!
And you will have to feed your muscle with clean food to gain that muscle as well.
Burgers and Pizza won’t do….
It is always about food, whether it is about gaining muscle or shedding body fat, remember that 🙂