We are two weeks out from the Las Vegas Classics!
Girls are very sensitive!!!
Everything you say will have an impact on them….
Chose your words wisely 😉
There is no time in telling them to lose 3 or 5% in body fat!!!
There is no spot reduction !!!!
Giving these girls a starvation diet will only waist muscle at this point, and will question a trainers credibility!
This is the time to encourage …
The time to praise and motivate!!!
Cutting them to low will only sabotage their effort now 🙁
A competitor has to be extra careful because drastic changes in nutrition can take that hard earned muscle within a couple of days.
Your body has nothing left to feed of!!!
Point out positive aspects and boost the competitors self esteem 🙂
These people are amazing!
They have worked this hard to get here!!
Let them know how proud you are of their accomplishments…
They are giving 100%
It’s a lesson learned and remembered for the rest of their life.
I am proud to be someone to guide and encourage and achieve results!!!
God has blessed me with this talent 🙂
Thank you!
Remember to help someone in need whether it is a person or an animal!
Especially someone you can not profit from!
And for all your supplemental needs please see Freddie Evaristo at Freddie’s Nutrition or simply click in the link right here!