How do I keep motivating myself ?
Here are a few pointers:
1. Every morning I keep checking in the mirror for changes….
They won’t happen every day, but just by seeing little improvement will keep me on track!
2. Keeping a positive attitude ( yes you can not have your favorite treats, but they will be still there once you have completed your goal!
3. Watch motivational videos …
4. Try on your skinny clothes ( we all have them )
5. Watch people in the grocery store! heavy people will load up on bread, snacks, sugar and fat!
6. Listen when you get compliments 😉
7. Set a goal ( a birthday, summer vacation, High School reunion…)
8. Start today, not tomorrow
9. Buy a new sexy outfit!
10. Put a skinny picture on your fridge or a body you would like to have ( cut it out of a magazine)!
Always remember that eating clean and healthy is a life style not a diet!
You can have a treat or even a cheat meal sometimes, but keep your healthy eating going!
Eventually you will get of your sugar addiction 🙂
The best reward is your end result!