Today I’ve seen more comments about people that have been diagnosed with cancer than ever before’
I don’t know if it is about our food source being mostly GMO ( I believe it…), or all other chemicals added to our everyday life ( that too…)!
It is upsetting, because our life is being cut short!
Maybe you want to keep your eyes and ears closed, but it may be time for a wake up call!!!
I pray for you who is suffering.
I pray for friends and family and their loved ones .
I pray for our country to be better.
I pray for the Cure not only to be found (it already is) but to be used to help and not withheld because of profit!
I pray for the greedy to be forgiven.
I pray for the innocent .
But mostly I pray for you to be strong and for your survival ….
I pray for you to believe, to trust in God, to
Believe in the good !!!
Trust in God!
Put his warmth in your heart!
Know he is there for you to help!
Rember that God is in your heart and in your soul!
Let his love be there for you!