There are so many ads out there promising that brazilian bootie….
Every time we open up a fitness magazine there are more describtions about how to improve your butt than any other articles!
Sometimes it is hard to ignore these “fashion” magazines….
Get your information from quality sources like good research articles provided by fitness institutes!
Comes down to this….your gluteus muscle is a hip extender!!!
It is designed to lift your booty out of that chair!
Simple old fashion movements like squats, lunges and deadlifts improve your gluteus!!!
It is that simple 🙂
Most of us that have a seated profession might have some restriction that keeps them not being able to build this muscle up!
But you can take care of that!!!
This is what happens: while sitting on your computer for X amount of time your hip flexors are activated and keep contracting….not good!!!
Then when you get up of your chair your gluteus have been relaxing for so long that they do not want to fire ( respond ) anymore, which means your body needs to use a different muscle to get your butt of that chair …..
Too many times that can be your lower back or your hamstrings ( ever feel tightness in your hamstrings?)
Simple exercise to see gluteus responds would be a high step up!
I can see how this person gets on that high box using lower back and hamstring muscle, then can’t completely extend his or her legs to use that butt muscle ( the bend over look)….
Now your piriformis ( small tiny muscle attached on your grater trochanter and sacrum) takes over…get’s inflammed and causes siatica and lower back pain!
Take the following steps to get better:
1. roll on a foam roller for myofascial release.
2. use a tennis ball for the gluteus area to reach deep muscles.
3. active stretching before your workout, static stretching after to activate/stop that nervous system
4. get up every 30 min from your chair or seated position and walk around, squeeze that butt muscle, rotate that spine!
Once your gluteus work more efficient you will have a easier time building them!
Always include old fashion squats, lunges and deadlifts and throw some step ups into your routine!
You can tune up a tiny bit on your sprints and rotating stairs, but building happens in the weight room 🙂
Don’t ever exchange those weights with your cardio….
Combine both for amazing results 🙂