Being at a certain weight is important of course…
Our Heart muscle doesn’t care whether your weight comes from muscle or fat!
It still has to pump harder through more tissue…
Weight loss is easy 🙂
You starve yourself to lower your scale weight, usually losing muscle while body fat increases!!!
Instead of focusing on scale weight, try to think how you would like to look in those shorts, or bikini ?!
Overtraining without proper nutrition will leave your body flabby and lose…
Number one focus should be again nutrition!
Feed your muscle proper to keep losing body fat while holding on to muscle.
Proper supplementation is important as well.
BCAA’S , L-Glutamine, a good Multivitamin, anything that helps feed your body and prevent malnutrition while dieting!!!
Lift weights!!!
It takes many years to build a hughe amount of muscle even if you think your body is different 😉
Keep cardio in but don’t over do this!
Cardio longer than one hour at the time will cause muscle loss!!
Make sure to eat within one hour of exercising!
Sooner is better!
Keep your protein high to help repair muscle tissue!
Keep good carbs in your diet ( we need balance)
Don’t cut your good fats!
Cardio in high heart rates = more carbs
Cardio in low heart rates = less carbs
Just remember that your brain needs 90 grams of carbohydrates just to function normally….
Get away from thinking pounds and start thinking dress sizes and body fat 🙂