Personal Training

I told a gentlemen at my gym once that he should work with his negative motion since he was just using weights throwing DB’s around…
He laughed at me and said ” I haven’t done that in years…. That’s old school!”
Well, he is wrong!
Just that people forget using muscle fibers in every way!
Or sometime ego takes over and says ” you can do heavier than that “!
In Personal Training we call this timing πŸ™‚
Our muscle fiber develope with concentric contraction ( as in lifting a coffee cup), isometricly ( as in drinking the coffee while your arm remains still), and eccentricity as in putting the cup back on the table!
We build muscle in all 3 phases…
So if you cut out one, you are keeping yourself from
getting more and better muscle!!!
Or look at it this way : you are prolonging the time it takes to get the body you want!!!
You can make a workout extremely hard just by changing your timing!
Let’s say your Bicep curl will be a 2-2-3 timing, meaning 2 counts in your concentric phase ( curling your DB up ), 2 counts holding in your concentric phase, 3 counts in your eccentric phase (bringing the DB back down)….
Now change timing to 2-4-6…
See what happens?
It takes 1/2 the time to exhaust that muscle!!!
You can apply this principle almost to all your muscles!
That’s when play time starts :))
Pre exhaust your muscle by doing a 2-4-6 timing, then start partial reps ( 1/2 movements) and finish with a 2-2-2 time….
Kills you everytime!
So, remember to get the body you want use the right timing!
Otherwise you’re just throwing weights….

For more helpful information please visit Freddie’s Nutrition at or visit one of his stores in Las Vegas.
Or click on the link on this page!

If you like this blog please donate to the Trio’s Foundation or donate on this page ( right hand side)
Thank you!

Being at a certain weight is important of course…
Our Heart muscle doesn’t care whether your weight comes from muscle or fat!
It still has to pump harder through more tissue…
Weight loss is easy πŸ™‚
You starve yourself to lower your scale weight, usually losing muscle while body fat increases!!!
Instead of focusing on scale weight, try to think how you would like to look in those shorts, or bikini ?!
Overtraining without proper nutrition will leave your body flabby and lose…
Number one focus should be again nutrition!
Feed your muscle proper to keep losing body fat while holding on to muscle.
Proper supplementation is important as well.
BCAA’S , L-Glutamine, a good Multivitamin, anything that helps feed your body and prevent malnutrition while dieting!!!
Lift weights!!!
It takes many years to build a hughe amount of muscle even if you think your body is different πŸ˜‰
Keep cardio in but don’t over do this!
Cardio longer than one hour at the time will cause muscle loss!!
Make sure to eat within one hour of exercising!
Sooner is better!
Keep your protein high to help repair muscle tissue!
Keep good carbs in your diet ( we need balance)
Don’t cut your good fats!
Cardio in high heart rates = more carbs
Cardio in low heart rates = less carbs
Just remember that your brain needs 90 grams of carbohydrates just to function normally….
Get away from thinking pounds and start thinking dress sizes and body fat πŸ™‚

It depends on the individual, how strict one is on dieting, a person follows the plan, and on where the starting point is!
1:the most important part is the diet!
It takes some people a little longer to understand the importance of eating every 3 hours!
It is not just about calories ( sorry weight watchers)!
If you are getting super hungry before your next meal, your metabolism is already slowing down!!!
We are trying to keep your metabolic rate up 24/7!
And honestly I hate being hungry!!!
I eat very small meals but every 2 hours…
2: eating enough!!!
Most people are eating to many calories but not enough food!
You can load up 5000 calories easy on junk and booze, but once this person eats clean food they can’t eat that much….
You are getting a much higher quantity of food when eaten in its natural stage for the same calorie count!
It is just not as tasty as the chemical inhanced stuff we are used to!
Eating under your calorie allowance will slow down your calorie burning machine!!!
3: water intake!!!
The more water you drink, the higher your metabolic rate ….
Only water without added anything will do that!
4: cardiovascular exercise!!!
Don’t skip cardio πŸ™
If you have time to watch TV you have time for cardio!
Take your kids out walking with you!
You don’t have to visit a gym for this πŸ˜‰
5: show up for your workouts!!!
Using a personal trainer is not a magic pill!
You are the one that has to do the work!!!!

If you follow everything here you will see small changes after the first week!
The first two weeks your body will release a lot of excess water, making your clothes feel loser’
It takes about 4 weeks for your body to prepare your nervouse system to build more muscle fibers!
First your body will develope new muscle strands and membranes that later will be attached in some way to your muscle fibers!
After the initial 4 weeks your body is ready to build!
While you are developing your new nervouse system your metabolic rate is all the way up there!!!
Use it πŸ™‚
After 4 weeks you will have lost 4-10 lbs already :))
Try losing 2 lbs per week to make sure muscle loss while dieting is at its lowest!!!
Do not cheat on your diet, come back and starve yourself while over training!!!
All you do is gaining body fat and losing muscle ….
Our body is an amazing machinery….
Respect it!
Treat it well!
One day you will have to give it back to the amazing engineer that created it…GOD!
What will you tell him if you did not respect his wonderful gift?

First of all Thank you for your positive comments, your support, and you returning to this site!
I can not answer all questions or Β each comment since I am getting 500 comments per day and it takes some time to screen them πŸ™‚
Your comments might not appear right away! They will have to be approved by me first! I am getting tons of spam mail, and the only way to protect myself is to bulk spam remove it!

If you leave your website as author or as comment it will go to spam or to trash right away!!!
I can not stay in contact with you guys via email just because of the time it takes and I don’t have, sorry πŸ™
This website has been created by my wonderful husband with wordpress!
The pictures are my recent photo shoot pictures!
Blog pictures belong to our amazing Las Vegas Figure and Bikini Team girls!
Now to the negative comments:
I am a personal trainer trying to give out free information, not a writer!!!
So if you don’t like my writing style or my spelling ( mostly done by iPhone) I am sorry!
For you who think I am looking for attention, please feel better about yourself!
I am a fitness professional that lives a healthy life style!
Like I said before πŸ™‚
I am here to give you free information!
Please appreciate it !!!
Thank you for reading, for your support, for returning!
Claudia AquinoI

If you are looking for spot reduction…well…there is none!!!
People that try to convince you that there is are just selling you their business!
I have had numerous times in the past were I got approached by someone asking to lose their tummy, but keep the rest of their bodies.
I would be honest, but yet one day later see them with another trainer doing numerous AB exercises for an hour….
Learn the hard way πŸ™
You need to get into a very low body fat % to be able to tweak your body here and there, everything else is genetics, diet, cardio, and motivation!
Yes you can change your genetics to some degree, however it takes time to build muscle!
Plus it is easier for men to build than for women!!!
It is easier for men to build and stay lean!
Estrogen – holds on to fat
Testosterone – builds muscle