
It was always my desire to work with Professionals!
Chiropractors, Physical Therapists…a.s.o.
Maybe because it has always been my goal to provide Health as well as achieving the clients goals!
I am very happy to announce that “TEAM VEGAS” will be working with ALIANTE CHIROPRATIC in the future to provide the best service possible!
Aliante Chiropractic will be one of the new sponsers of the BR Team Vegas!!!
Eric Sparks with FM (Functionality Maximized) will also provide his service to All Body Revision Clientele.
FM and DMS (Deep Muscle Stimulator) will provide fast recovery from little injury and prevent hypertonisity on tissue, which means less down time!!!
ALIANTE CHIROPRACTIC and FM (DMS) will be an absolutely amazing Combination to provide you with optimum health benefits!!!
FREDDIE’S NUTRITION is already a Body Revision Sponsor and highly appreciated for their hard work 🙂
Freddie Evaristo is selling only the highest quality supplements for the lowest prices!!!
Body Revision, Aliante Chiropractic, Freddie’s Nutrition, and Functionality Maximized have all the same goal in mind for you: to make YOUR JOURNEY the healthiest, least painful, with the GREATEST RESULTS!!!
We also have an additional Sponsor for Body Revision Team Vegas:
Stacie Frazier and Haute Shots!
Haute Shots offers incredible ART WORK in very SEXY PHOTOGRAPHY yet keeping very CLASSY in mind 😉
Wether you are training for a Competition or Event, you will want to remember your body in tip top condition… or motivate yourself to maintain it.
Reward yourself with a beautiful Photo Shoot from
Haute Shots!
I want to Thank you Diane Prestwich from Yogurt Land to provide us today with Frozen Yogurt Treats ( the healthy kind) .
If you need a treat, chose a healthier version like Yogurt Land!
Thank you to my friend Shana Dahan and her husband Adam for making pictures, videos, and helping me with the Press Release!!!
You guys are awesome 🙂
Thank you Shana for working out with me and keeping up with my workouts, so that I have to challenge myself more, which keeps me from getting lazy (lol)!
There will be many more Sponsors in the Future!!!
BR Team Vegas will offer great discounts on Competition Training today as well as discounts on Body Revision Group Training!
Leave your email address and receive a coupon for Group Training.
I will see you soon 🙂

Please remember to see Freddie at Freddie’s Nutrition in Las Vegas for all your supplements, or go online by clicking on the Freddie’s Link on this page!
Thank you!!!

BR Team Vegas will be an amazing Support Team!
Little changes that will go on …
There will be no Team Captain!
We all will be Team Captains!
We will have Bi- weekly events that are offered in the all new News Letter.
Lady’s night out at Tivoli including free make up make over and other fun events 🙂 The new BR Team will include Bikini Competitors, Figure Competitors, Physique men Competitors, Physique women Competitors!
Mervat Berry will be our Tanning Connection.
We will have 2 make up and hair Professionals !
Silvia will always be our suit girl!
She has been very good to us in the past and is highly appreciated !!!
Freddie’s Nutrition will always be our #1 Sponsor!!!
He gives us amazing discounts on Supplements and is giving us 100% support 🙂
There will be new sponsors in the near future.
Our welcome package will include one free Team Shirt, Supplement Samples, and Schedule of Events!!!
Starting November Sessions will be held at these times:
Mondays 6am, 8:30am, 3pm, 4pm, 5:45pm
Tuesdays 6am, 9am, 3pm, 4pm, 5:45pm
Wednesdays 6am, 8:30am, 3pm, 4pm, 5:45pm
Thursdays 6am, 9am, 3pm, 4pm, 5:45pm
Saturdays 8am Durango Hills Park

There will be much more to be announced coming November!
My goal is to make this Team high in Quality, Fun, Educational, Real Team Connection, and simply one of the Best Experiences of your life!!!!
I am very, very excited :))

If you can please Donate to the Trio’s Foundation!
Dog in need is “Nasa” …
For all your supplements please visit Freddie’s Nutrition on Sahara or Flamingo, or simply click on the Freddie’s link on this page!
Best prices, best customer service!!!

Client Yasmin:

Body Revision By Claudia Weight-Loss Progress Report shows Yasmin before and after pictures of her 12-WEEK TRANSFORMATION.  WOW!!!!!!




Yasmin is now going to compete for the first time  in the BIKINI COMPETITION in November 2012. Here is a sneak video of her practicing her routine/posing. “LOOKING BEAUTIFUL AND FABULOUS!!!!!”.Smile


Body Revision by Claudia can transform your body to a competition physique . If you don’t want to compete, well that’s okay! Everyone likes to have a nice lean body and be PROUD and CONFIDENT of your new body. I can help you achieve your weight-loss goals and further take you to the next level of competing. My fitness and nutrional programs is designed to suit your weight-loss needs. So, don’t wait!!!! My programs are FUN and ENTERTAINING!!!!!!! FEEL GREAT!!! GET FIT FOR LIFE!!!!!!

For more information, please call me @ (702)528-5011 or email me @