
Body Revision Personal Training is also offering online Training!
For a fee of $256 per month you can get guidance and personal attention via online Training!
How does that work?
You will fill out a liability form by going to contact us / forms.
After filling out this form you will be paying by pay pal on the payment option link.
Now you can take before pictures from the front, back and side view!
Weigh yourself and take your body fat, or the circumsference measurement around your waist (navel).
After I receive all of this, I will send you your very first workout 🙂
If you have questions about certain exercises you can either google or you tube them, or text/email/ or ask me on my new “chat” option on this site!
I will try to respond within one hour …
I can also send you a video that will show an exercise performed.
Your exercise plan will be changed on a weekly basis.
Nutrition changes will happen depending on your weekly weight and body fat changes.
I will also give you cardiovascular instructions to help you achieve your goals!
There will be supplementation suggestions on your plan that are customized for you and your state of health!
A newsletter will be send to you every other week, that will answer any questions you may have, or you can simply use the chat link or text/email me!
I have had amazing results so far with my online clientele !
This option can be yours even if you are not living in Las Vegas 😉
And if you are competing I can prepare you step by step for your event!!!

As always I ask to help an animal in need and donate to the Trio’s Foundation!
For all your supplements please go see Freddie’s in Las Vegas, or click in the Freddie’s link on this page!
Freddie’s Nutrition !
Best Prices, Best Customer Service!

Claudia Aquino of Body Revision is offering Competition Training in Bikini, Figure as well as Physique!
Let my 14 years of training Competitors and 19 Competition experience guide you!
Customized meal plans for your personal needs as well as cardiovascular guidance and weekly weight and body fat included!
Competition preparation, supplemental suggestion, and online support as well as being there whenever you need me.
It doesn’t matter whether you compete or just want that beautiful competition body, I’m your choice for success!!!
Prices on special right now until January 1st!
Contact me at (702) 528-5011 or email me at
Thank you!

For all your supplemental needs please visit Freddie’s Nutrition in Las Vegas, or simply click on the Freddie’s link on this page!

Thank you 🙂

6 weeks out we are cutting down on fats, calories and carbohydrates!
If you are still eating fruit, cut them out completely!
They are a healthy food, but also simple sugar!
At this point you want to be 100% on your plan…
If you are going out to eat, bring your own food!!!
No worries, the Restaurant still makes money on the other person that eats with you 🙂
Increase water intake slightly!
You might be feeling light headed at times, forgetful, irritated, moody, no patience for anything….
Thoughts like:” why can’t my co worker/ family members/ friends stick to a better diet and workout program ?”
All of that is normal!!!
It’s okay 😉
Just make sure your loved ones know what you are going through, or show them this blog (lol)!
Your hormon levels are all whacked out by now…
You are tired and deprived of your favorite joy…
6 weeks…one and a half month… and it’s all over
Actually toughest time is over, which is getting down to were you are 🙂
Remember that you are awesome!!!
Instead of feeling deprived and lonely or sad, realize how beautiful you are!!!
How amazing and incredible your journey has been!
People are amazed about your changes you’ve been going through 🙂
Compliments are waiting at every corner!
This dress/ shorts/ top hasn’t ever looked this good on you before!
Yes, you might have been this skinny at some point, but this time you look amazing in and out of your clothes…
When the time comes for you to be on stage with all your beauty, you will realize how special this is, and how special you are 🙂
Love you guys!
You are beautiful….

Taking care of your joints is obliviously very important!
We can’t forget about them while we are younger and end up severely injured or restricted in movement as we get older!
Be smart and listen to your body is the key in preventing serious damage, but you can also feed your joints the right fuel to keep lubrication, and deal with inflammation ….
The right supplements can help your body in replacing cartillage and keep range of motion of your joints.
Omega 3 6 and 9 help lower the symptoms of arthritis.
Chondroitin helps with symptoms of osteoarthritis.
Vitamin D lowers inflammation!
Hyaluronic Acid lubricates the joint.
Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulfate are the building blocks of healthy joints and connective tissue…
Tumeric, bromelain, boswella, pantothenic acid are all inflammation fighters!!!
MSM improved recovery 🙂
How about this: our body is made from Collagen!
Hair, nails, joints, tendons, bones, muscles, skin…
These are amazing supplements!
You can find great combinations in a single dosage!
They all work and they are worth the money!
Protect your joints, your health and your well being 🙂
Where can you find them?
Not at your local Pharmacy or Walmart!!!
Go to a high quality Nutrition Store as Freddie’s in Las Vegas!
You can also purchase online simple by clicking on the Freddie’s link on the page!
Check it out 🙂

For all you people that don’t have time, or can’t cook, or have no idea how to cook, Patrick Shepherd is offering the perfect service to you!!!
How many times have you been stuck on your weightloss goal, because you got tired to cook ?
Restaurant food is not good for us, no matter how clean it may seam…
A little canned beans and corn, marinated meats, sauces, dressings…
You name it!
Everything adds up and keeps you from achieving your goal!
Patrick will prepare your meals according to your plan!
He also catered to Competitors as well!!!
Right portion sizes, perfect caloric intake, delivered to your house!
Yep…delivered to your home or to the gym.
To contact Patrick Shepherd go to:
Or call him at 702 538 4384
Sorry, only available to Las Vegas Residence.

Please do not forget our pets in Shelters and donate 🙂
For all your Supplental needs please visit Freddie’s Nutrition in Las Vegas or simply click on the Freddie’s link to enter his online store!
Thank you 🙂