
6 weeks out we are cutting down on fats, calories and carbohydrates!
If you are still eating fruit, cut them out completely!
They are a healthy food, but also simple sugar!
At this point you want to be 100% on your plan…
If you are going out to eat, bring your own food!!!
No worries, the Restaurant still makes money on the other person that eats with you 🙂
Increase water intake slightly!
You might be feeling light headed at times, forgetful, irritated, moody, no patience for anything….
Thoughts like:” why can’t my co worker/ family members/ friends stick to a better diet and workout program ?”
All of that is normal!!!
It’s okay 😉
Just make sure your loved ones know what you are going through, or show them this blog (lol)!
Your hormon levels are all whacked out by now…
You are tired and deprived of your favorite joy…
6 weeks…one and a half month… and it’s all over
Actually toughest time is over, which is getting down to were you are 🙂
Remember that you are awesome!!!
Instead of feeling deprived and lonely or sad, realize how beautiful you are!!!
How amazing and incredible your journey has been!
People are amazed about your changes you’ve been going through 🙂
Compliments are waiting at every corner!
This dress/ shorts/ top hasn’t ever looked this good on you before!
Yes, you might have been this skinny at some point, but this time you look amazing in and out of your clothes…
When the time comes for you to be on stage with all your beauty, you will realize how special this is, and how special you are 🙂
Love you guys!
You are beautiful….

For all you people that don’t have time, or can’t cook, or have no idea how to cook, Patrick Shepherd is offering the perfect service to you!!!
How many times have you been stuck on your weightloss goal, because you got tired to cook ?
Restaurant food is not good for us, no matter how clean it may seam…
A little canned beans and corn, marinated meats, sauces, dressings…
You name it!
Everything adds up and keeps you from achieving your goal!
Patrick will prepare your meals according to your plan!
He also catered to Competitors as well!!!
Right portion sizes, perfect caloric intake, delivered to your house!
Yep…delivered to your home or to the gym.
To contact Patrick Shepherd go to:
Or call him at 702 538 4384
Sorry, only available to Las Vegas Residence.

Please do not forget our pets in Shelters and donate 🙂
For all your Supplental needs please visit Freddie’s Nutrition in Las Vegas or simply click on the Freddie’s link to enter his online store!
Thank you 🙂

Getting these Competitors ready 7 weeks out!!!
Women have to diet a little stricter than men…
Less calories, more cardio, a.s.o….
As you lower your body fat, your estrogen levels fall and your testosterone levels climb!
While for men this might feel amazing…
Sex drive to the fullest ….
Feeling invincible…..
Women will get emotional!
Have no patience.
Cry easily…
Still see flaws….
At this point girls will have to cut all simple sugars including fruit!
You will feel hungry and weak most times!
Thinking about wanting to get this over with …
Feeling amazing and beautiful, but again… still seeing flaws….
Most of these symptoms appear with first time competitors or girls that haven’t competed in a long time!
If you are competing in more than one show per year, your body will remember and adjust quickly!!!
I have been competing 19 times, and my body goes automatically into competition mode!
Remember that everything you are feeling is normal 😉
Make sure you are ready to prepare your family .
Tell them to be patient and ask them for understanding!
Going through the process of entering a Competition is a amazing thing!
In the end you will realize that you did it!!!
You stuck to this diet.
You worked your butt of in the gym.
You had no excuses for cardio!!!
Focus and determination will lead to success 🙂
We are amazing beings :()
Special in every way!
You will realize that ones you finished this process, you will be ready for everything!!!!
Remember when you look into that mirror next time to love yourself!
Tell yourself ” I am amazing”!
I not only appreciate you, but I also respect you!!!
7 weeks out!
This is coming fast … but YOU will be there!!!
You will put in that suit and those heels, beautiful hair and make up…and YOU will feel as amazing as you are!

Please donate to the Trio’s Foundation !

For all your Supplemental needs please visit Freddie’s Nutrition in Las Vegas, or simply click on the link here….

So many times we sit in a counsultation were the possible future client may say : ” I am to old for this”, or ” I will not ever be there”!
What a crock of …..
It is never to late to change your health, your fitness, and your body!!!
Age is a number!
You had children? So did someone else….
You gained weight? Time to do something about it!!!
You are to tired? Kick your own butt and force yourself to move!
It’s to hard? There is no magic pill …
You will have to get of that couch ;()
There are no excuses!!!
I meet single mothers every day working two or three jobs, but still find time to take care of their health!
Break that habit over overindulging in fatty foods and high calorie snacks.
Break the habit of being to comfortable to fit in your cardiovascular workout.
Stop being spoiled and comfortable and schedule your workouts!
Stop using excuses!!!
It is your health you are playing with…
Your body image and weight….
If you don’t make an efford, why should someone else?
The matter of fact is that you are responsible for yourself!
You can not put this on someone else!
Change your habits!!!
First write a note of what will be different:
” This week I will cut out sodas and drink one gallon of water every day”!
” I will limit my alcoholic beverages to the weekend”!
” I will exercise in some way 5 days this week”…
” I will incorporate more fruit and veggies”!
Have a short term goal !!!
A 2 pound weight loss for this week!
Losing one dress size this month…
It is true that as you get older it will be harder to lose weight.
After the age of 30 we are losing 10.05% of over metabolic rate every 10 years, which means at age 60 you will have lost more than 30% of your calorie burning machinery 🙁
Increasing in muscle and staying on the lower end of your body fat range will help dramatically in maintaining a higher metabolic rate!!!
Gaining muscle can happen at any age…
Losing body fat can happen at any age…
Being willing to do so and stay consistent is up to you 🙂

Please donate to the Trio’s Foundation to help abused animals!
For all your supplemental needs please visit Freddie’s Nutrition in Las Vegas or simply click on the link here…
Thank you!

We heard this before!
Female Athletes stop ovulating and lose their periods because of overtraining and muscle to fat ratio!
Happens to most athletes, but is most known to gymnasts!
Funny that this will also happen to most Competitors!!!
It has nothing to do with testosterone injection…
Woman are meant to be higher in body fat than men simply because we are producing estrogen not only in our ovaries, but also in our fat tissue!!!
That is why later in life once a woman loses ovulation and doesn’t produce eggs to anymore, her body will hold on to fat tissue to make up for lost estrogen!
In competition training we are trying to get rid of our body fat to get that lean tight look while increasing muscle to shape and sculpt our body …
As your body fat decreases and your muscle mass increases your body will automatically produce more testosterone ( in your ovaries) and less estrogen ( in your fat tissue as well as ovaries ).
Within weeks of your program you will notice irregular cycles first.
Having your period twice per month, or skipping one month.
You will notice this if you are not on the birth control pill or similar methods.
Of course with some exceptions (me) that are still ovulating even in a 8% body fat range…
( I envy you)
Even after your program is done and you have increased calories and decreased workouts, increased body fat slightly more to a healthier range, your body may still need some time to get the signal
” we are back to normal”…
That’s why it is important to let yourself go back up slightly in body fat between competitions!
No ovulation can also lead to bone loss….
Just remember like being a little more emotional during this program, crazy cycles are somewhat normal as well!

If you like this blog please donate to the Trio’s Foundation!
For all your supplemental needs, please visit Freddie’s in Las Vegas or click on the Freddie’s link to enter his online shop!
Best prices, go Freddie’s!
Thank you 🙂