
Next time you feel about dying having to do another hour of cardio, try this:
Start by walking for 5 minutes to warm up your joints and get fluids moving…
Increase incline to 5.0 and speed between 3.4 and 3.8 …make sure to hold on in the beginning, turn side ways and start skipping sideways for about 30 seconds (or 50 steps like I do), now carefully turn over to the other side skipping the same duration or time.
Turn back to the front and decrease speed to 2.8 miles…now turn all the way around and start walking backwards for 3 minutes!
After 3 minutes go back to facing the front…increase incline to 10-15% ( maximum) and start uphill lunges…
Do this for about 60 steps.
Get the incline down to about 5% and increase your speed so you can sprint (90% THR)
I need to go up to 9.6 but you might get there at 6.0 miles/ hr.
Sprint only for 30 seconds ( if you can), step to the side foot bars and decrease speed back to 3.4 and incline to 3.0 to let your heart recover!
Stay there for 5 min then repeat!
You can keep doing this for the duration of your cardio time…

If you like this blog please donate to the Trio’s Animal Foundation!

For all your nutritional supplements, please visit Freddie’s or click on the Freddie’s link on this page!

Client: Kim B.


Before 12-Week Program

Yes! This is what I was built for”. It’s also the first time in my life that I looked in the mirror and liked what I saw. Aside from having lost 19lbs since starting, I have slept better, my headaches and back pain are virtually gone, my mood has improved, I cope with stresses better, and I’ve even had lesions on my body that wouldn’t heal- disappear (I forgot that your body needs protein to heal and I was barely eating any before).

I’ve been in decent shape most of my life but in the last several years I’ve felt pretty crappy. Achy, tired, grumpy, mildly depressed, low self-image, no motivation.

I put on more weight than ever in my life by allowing myself to graze on candy and pastries that lay around my work space as an alternative to eating real meals, I was on a roller coaster of fatigue so I would eat because I thought I needed more energy. I drank every night to alleviate the days’ work stressors.

When the scale passed 130 AT ONLY 5’2 I was NOT HAPPY but still not motivated enough to do what I knew I should do.

Last Christmas we went on a cruise and the pictures told me a story of what a big dump I had become. I had been using very low calorie diets or even fasting to lose quick weight but of course it always came back. I can’t imagine how much muscle I lost over the years by doing that. I was starting to get a little stressed because in 6 months I would be turning 40 and I couldn’t look like that!

One day my friend Lars was telling me about his wife (and our friend) Kim and how she was doing the GROUP FIGURE BIKINI TRAINING AND COMPETING. He showed me pictures of her and the team. They looked amazing! He said if I only changed one thing to start with I should start drinking more water; Additionally, increase my meals and eat more protein.

That week I started and began reading about GROUPFIGURETRAINING.COM and reading the before and after stories on the website. I also learned that my friend from high school was also on the team (Kim Trujillo). After not seeing her for over 20 years we had a chance meeting where she told me how wonderful the program was. The Universe had spoken and I would have been a fool not to listen!

I called Angela that night to sign up.

The group training has been successful for me because I have people to answer to and people that challenge, support, and commiserate with me. Angela and Claudia are fitness angels. I can’t thank them enough for the knowledge they have given me. The girls in the group are all amazing people who inspire me every day. I am truly blessed to be a part of this team! I can’t wait for the next new me to be unveiled in 12 more weeks! ….Things to do before you die….Get Ripped!

After 12-Week Program

Most of us are used to having 3 main meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner!
it is hard sometimes to make people understand that you need to eat healthy snacks in between!
Or to explain to  people that you need to  eat  breakfast!
Okay now like I said in a previous blog, you are coming out of a 6-7-or 8 hour hunger period in the morning.
You have no fuel ( glycogen, protein) in your system!
The first thing your body does is shutting down your metabolic rate if you do not eat….
After that everything , or most of what  you do eat will be stored as fat
No eating between meals will do the same thing!
Do not starve yourself….eat every 3 hours!
I am leaning out best by eating every 2 hours.
No, those are not big meals ( about 100-200 calories per meal), low in fats, high in protein, low in carbs.
Eating small meals every 2-3 hours will keep your metabolism switched on the “burning phase” , and keeps muscle breakdown at bay….
This is happening when you are starving:
Your body stops burning because you are putting it on the starvation mode!
Your body now converts muscle to glycogen as fuel because there is none…..
You are losing muscle…..
Now after x amount of hours you are eating a high fatty, high starchy, high caloric meal because you are hungry as hell!
You body will use almost all the calories ( especially the fat ones) and store them as body fat!!!
So you keep losing muscle and keep gaining body fat.
Pretty soon you will have reversed your muscle to fat raitio to a fat to muscle ratio ( don’t cry)…..
Not good 🙁
You can not do what you did in the past and expect different results!!!
I can understand if you are in a operating room and are dealing with patients going under surgery, but I do not understand why you can not have a protein shake sitting on your counter to sip on once in a while, or being retired and just to comfortable to change ( you know who you are….)
If you are waiting for a servant to give you that 3 hour meal, good luck ( spoiled)
Remember your body is a chemical factory!!!
What you put in will show on your body in return!

If you like this blog please donate to the Trio’s Animal Foundation.
For all your supplemental needs ( like ready shakes) please visit Freddie’s Nutrition in Las Vegas or click on the Freddie’s link on this page!
Thank you!

I have had some bad neck and shoulder pain for a while, but last week I over did it in my workouts ( not really but for a bad shoulder).
My friends Eric, who is a Physical Therapist, offered to treat me with a new tool he got…
Well I have seen this tool before in my Trainers Magazine, but the price was a little to high for me to buy it.
Of course I was excited about the treatment!!
I met him this morning after my cardio session to spend about 35 minutes being treated all over the body…
A very high vibratiion reminded me emidiately about the Power Plate ( kinda works similar).
It felt great and as I got of the floor, it was as I’ve just come out of a nap 🙂
The tool very much looks like a gun ( Eric has a different not as clean version…), and is pretty heavy!
After we were done I could feel an emidiate release from tightness, my shoulder was still tight, but didn’t hurt as much anymore.
My neck muscles have relased and my piriformis is not talking to me….
3 hours later lifting heavy groceries do not bother me anymore 🙂
I feel on Cloud 9 ( as Eric likes to say)!
This is what he mentioned on his FB wall:
“Deep Muscle Stimulator!
Time to rehab those injuries.
To me the DMS is current the best rehab/physical therapy/sports treatment available.
It is also used by professional sports including the NBA and NFL.
Much of muscle pain stems from various conditions, strain, lactic acid build up, scar tissue e.t.c……
The DMS uses percussion, mechanical vibration that reaches deep into the muscle tissue to stimulate proprioceptive function.
No other device on the market matches the effectiveness of the DMS.

The DMS provides deep muscle tissue with kinetic forms of percussion and concussion vibration, which in turn facilitates the patient or athlete with the benefits of:

Increased circulation
Reduced pain
Faster rehabilitation from injury
Increased lymphatic flow
Break up of muscular scar tissue
Reduced lactic acid buid up
Tissue Regeneration
Soft and Active Tissue release
The DMS also concentrates on general or local muscle spasm
It increases muscle metabolism and increases the lactic acid cycle to relieve pain.
Deep, rapid, short-duration percussion is the key to eliminating pain.
The DMS can be used in effective management of acute and chronic pain, not exclusive to but including migraine headaches, sciatica, TMJ, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendornitis, bursitis, edema, myofascial pain and frozen joints….
The DMS is known to increase the circulation of blood and flow of lymph.
The direct mechanical effect of rhythmical pressure and movement used in DMS can dramatically increase the rate of blood flow.
The stimulation of nerve receptors causes the blood vessels to dilate, which also facilitates blood flow.

DMS can help loosen contracted shortened muscles and can stimulate weak, flaccid muscles.
This muscle “balancing” can help posture and promote more efficient movement.
DMS is also being used for Integrated Manual Therapy and Musculoskeletal Dysfunction.
It is possible to do more exercise and training, which in the long run strengthens muscle and improves condition.
DMS also provides gentle stretching action to both muscle and connective tissue that surrounds and supports the muscle and many other parts of the body, which keeps these tissues elastic!

DMS aids recovery from soft tissue injuries such as strains and sprains.
This is possible because the growth ad repair of tissue are accelerated by efficient circulation in injured areas and appropriate stimulation of the healing tissues…..”

What Eric is trying to say here is ” it’s awesome”!!!!!!!

Thank you Eric for giving me your time and making me feel better 🙂

A quick view of the Muscle Stimulator, see video below:

Everyone has their preverance on which muscle groups to combine!
Most people might use the old Weider principle which combines one larger and one smaller muscle group!
For example you would train Back and Biceps on Mondays, Chest and Triceps on Tuesdays, and Legs and Shoulders on Wednesdays!
As you may know we work a great amount of biceps by training back muscles already, so it seams to be logical to train both of the together!
We also train a good amount of triceps as we are working on our chest area, which makes it obvious to train those two at the same time!
I am using a guess on why to combine shoulders and Legs , just because I have been doing that lately to increase my overall caloric and carbohydrate intake on that specific day 🙂
We have also been using Arnold Schwarzenaeckers principal to train opposite muscles together…
Back and Chest, Biceps and Triceps ( and Shoulders), legs!
The reason why Arnold used this method was to keep blood flow in specific areas!
More blood flow , more nutrience being delivered, more muscle gain…
Sometimes you may want to concentrate on one area for one day…
It doesn’t really matter!!!
There is no right and no wrong.
You just want to switch it and change it around to make your body respond better 😉
Keeping the body from adapting is the key…
And our body is smart and learns fast!!!
So keep it going!
Change the workout…
Change weight/ reps…
Change muscle groups your combining…
Switch it up any way you can!
Doing the same thing over and over will keep you from reaching your goal!
Be creative 🙂