
As with anything consistency is the key!
You will not put on pounds by having one bad high fatty meal, but because you are doing this repeatedly ….
I hear it all the time :” I was really good last week but my weight didn’t change”‘
Well, you need to be good longer than that!!!
Remember it takes 3500 calories to burn one pound of fat 😉
Fact is you are putting weight on quicker than losing it!!!
There is nothing we can do except for changing our life style .
You will not get fit by working out one day!!!!
You will not lose weight by eating right one time!!!
You will not hydrate by being good on your water intake one time!!!
Consistency is the key to everything ….
One alcoholic beverage will not make you a alcoholic!
We are creatures of habit 🙁
Consistency means getting out of your comfort zone and changing your life style…
This will take effort on your side!
Effort means you will be uncomfortable for a while until your new life style becomes your new habit and comes automatic….
Not willing to get out of your comfort zone means simply that you will never have results!!!
No one will do this for you….
There is no quick fix or pill or whatever….
It’s all you 🙂
Time to wake up and smell the coffee!
Eat all the food on your plan, but don’t add!
Drink all your water and more…
Take all your supplements and don’t cut corners to be cheap!
One cocktail in a bar cost more than that expensive supplement!!!
Don’t skip cardio ….
Your program is all, not half !!!
Remember consistency 🙂

For all your Nutritional Supplements please visit Freddie’s in Las Vegas or simply click on the Freddie’s link on this page!
Thank you

Isn’t it the same every year?
We have all the intentions to get healthy and lose weight, but after a couple of weeks all the motivation is gone and we fall back into our old behavior…
Life style changes are hard.
It is difficult to change your habits and put effort into a set goal
We know what we want, but it seems to be do much work…
And as we all know consistency is the key!!!
So how do we change this?
We might have to change how we view our goals and set realistic goals and time frames on it!
1. Make weekly goals rather than long term goals!
It is easier to reach them and not as frustrating to see how much further you’ll have to go….
2. Make your family understand that you need their support!!!
Sit down with them and make them responsible about their behavior towards you!
3. Keep only healthy food in the house!!! You get hungry? You’ll eat healthy 🙂
4. Tell your family to eat snacks and goodies when you are not there…
Tell them to hide those from you where you cannot find them!
Let them disguise rappers and signs of treat in the garbage…
5. Never shop hungry!!!!
6. Eat before meeting friends for dinner…. You will end up with the salad instead of the pasta dish 🙂
7. One hour of exercising is 4% of your day!!
If you have time to watch TV you have time to exercise 😉

Remember Excuses are for losers!
That’s not you!!!
With the proper diet, supplementation and workout routine you will meet your goal faster!!!

For all your Supplemental needs please visit Freddie’s Nutrition in Las Vegas or click on the link on this page…
If you are ready to start your 12 week Ultimate Transformation please contact me at and get into the Best Shape of Your Life!!!
Thank you!

In the last weeks Body Revision has grown dramatically!!!
It is one of the most successful programs out there at this point 😉
I am so proud of the climbing success rate and hard work I’ve put in so far…
Reid Burk is a advanced NASM certified Trainer and Coach who is going to help me train my larger groups as well as train my Friday 5:45pm leg session!
I have chosen Reid because of his professionalism as well as his amazing personality!!!
He is very approachable and helpful in every way.
Reid also knows a persons abilities (this takes talent) and understands when to push and when to back of 🙂
Faith Forrester Schaffer   is one of my beautiful clients that competed in the Las Vegas Classics last month and got inspired to become a Personal Trainer 🙂
As of right now Faith is studying for her Personal Training Exam to be ready to help me in the New Year!!!
You will love Faith’s sweet personality and sense of humor as well as her beautiful smile.
Faith will be working in conjunction with me to help keeping us at a professional level as well as maintaining the quality of each session 🙂
My job is my passion, and I will be there at almost all session except when I am planning to go on vacation, which as you know happens not very often (lol)!
There will be more changes along the way as our Team grows and expands….
All changes will be only to improve and better service to you!!!
You, the client, are what Training Services should be all about!
Our Team…Team Body Revision and Freddie’s Nutrition are working overtime to give you The Best Service…The Best Success…and The Best Experience of your life!!!!
That is our goal 🙂
Team Health
Team Fit
Team Success
Your Experience is our Goal!
We’ll make it a great one 🙂

For all your Postural Issues please visit Aliante Chiropractic in Las Vegas ( for more information please click on the Aliante link on this page)
For your Supplements and Nutrition needs visit Freddie’s in Las Vegas or simply click on the Freddie’s link on this page 🙂
Signing up December 15th?
Get your supplements at a special discount that day only!
But you will have to come to his West Sahara Store at 10am!!!
Thank you 🙂

It is funny to me how everyone is comparing two totally different things, yet we need them all!
For example static stretching verses active…
Cardio verses weights…
There are many, many more!!!
We all know that we need everything 🙂
Comes to flexibility we need active before workload and static after we are finished!
Both do completely different things 🙂
We need cardiovascular activity as well as resistant training!
Two totally different things again!!!
Here is my own thinking:
We need chiropractic services as well as physical therapy!
Example: my friend Eric Sparks who is a advanced and exellent Physical Therapist uses a method called DMS!
DMS stands for Deep Muscle Stimulator.
It is a Hammer like device that sends out deep vibration into the muscle and muscle spindle to break up any inflammation, scar tissue, bursitis, pain…
It is a wonderful service, but works best with adjustment!
Dr Jaeger from Aliante Chiropractic has been giving me a Postural Analyses , and the results were…yep, I am off!!!
Way off!!!
Aliante Chiropractic offers a service called “Traction”.
This is what will realign your body to its natural position 🙂
Any disc problems or other spinal issues?
Traction is perfect to get you back in track…
Yet Traction and DMS combined is the perfect answer!
Realign your joints and vertebra’s and keep the surrounding muscle lose and perfectly working with DMS!!!
Maybe I’ll get Eric and Dr Jaeger to work together (lol)!




Aliante Chiropractic
6592 North Decatur Blvd suite 115
(702) 396-4993







Eric Sparks
Functionality Maximized
(702) 427-0707

Lets talk about another Combination that’s perfect!
Body Revision Personal Training Services and Freddie’s Nutrition!
Without proper Training Nutrition will only get you so far and the other way around!!!
Matter of fact is if you are not supplementing, you will always be deficient in Nutririon :-/
The reason is pesticides, insecticides, food handeling…
But even if you are eating all organic, your food has been plugged not ripe…
And it’s been lying around in the store for how many days?
Chances are 50% of the nutritional value in your food is already gone!
You need to protect yourself with supplementation 🙂
Feed your body the right way and use your muscles and heart by training!!!
Freddie from Freddie’s Nutrition is a amazing Person and one of my sponsors!!!
Freddie is offering Body Revision Clients a absolutely great discount!
Even better on sign up day!
You can’t get your supplements any cheaper!!!
Not even on line!
We are signing up December 15th at Freddie’s on Sahara (next to Sushi Fever) at 10am!
A chance to pick up your supplements to an amazing price!
Just mention my name!
Freddie has a great selection and unbelievable knowledge!
He will be happy to answer any question you may have!!!
So remember…
It’s not this or that!!!
It’s all 🙂
Thank you!

I always know the difference in my progress when I strict in taking supplements whether I competing or not!!!
Multivitamin : I am taking Universal Products because I love them …
Their high potency assures me effectiveness!
Animal Pak is my favorite!
Not only does it have cell protective properties but it keeps me from getting sick as well 🙂
2. Animal M Stak: a high potency supplement to help increase muscle size.
I do cycle it with Animal pump and Stak 2 because all of them have slight differentiation in ingredient 🙂 if you want something lighter, use tribulus and DHEA ( potency depending on age)!
3. L- Glutamine: protects your muscle fiber during diet and intense training!!!
4. BCAA’s protection of your muscle while dieting and high intense training phases!!!
5. Calcium Magnesium and Zinc: feeds your bones while on a low calorie diet, helps with muscle contraction, sleeping aid and natural muscle relaxed…
6. CLA : helps with fat metabolism
7. L-Carnitine: belongs to your B vitamins and helps with fat and carbohydrate metabolism, but also enhances your immune system …
8. Complex B: helps with energy, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and liver function
9. Anything NO: pushes more blood and oxygen into the muscle and helps to deliver more nutrition to the muscle fiber!
10. ZMA: sleeping aid. Helps increase testosterone in women which leads to more muscle and lean appearance 🙂
11: digestive enzymes, daily greens, fiber:
To some of you that have been on a terrible diet most of your life, and your digestion is pretty messed up because if it, these are a good aid to have!!!
However if your digestion works well, and you don’t have big problems with it, you don’t necessarily need these….
Make sure to take a good protein supplement to help feed your muscle especially after your workout!
I prevere one with carbohydrates, however you can always add oatmeal or fruit (depending what stage of your diet it is) into it!

I always see a difference in my appearance when I am consistent on my supplements…
Don’t be cheap if you want to make a difference in the way you look and feel!!!

Freddie’s Nutrition is offering a great variety on supplants and healthy options!
For the lowest prices in town please see Freddie’s on Sahara next to Sushi Fever or on Flamingo and 215 next to Lvac and Starbucks!
Or click on the link right here to enter his online store!!!!
Thank you 🙂