L-Glutamine is one of our essential amino acids responsible for muscle growth, healing tissue and coping with inflammation!
It is one of the amino acids your body needs from food or supplementation …
( essential …non essential …)
In body building we are taking about 5grams of L-Glutamine per day while on a low calorie/ lower carbohydrate diet in order to maintain muscle while losing body fat.
L-Glutamine has also be known to help heal ulcers, speed up recovery after surgery, ease muscle soreness after a tough workout and increase strength as well as endurance in Athletes!
You can’t go wrong in L- Glutamine supplementation since it is water soluble and does not cause harm in the body if taken in larger dosage!
L-Glutamine is available in powder form and capsules!
Take before and after a workout as well as before bed time while dieting!
To find a good quality L-Glutamine Supplement go to www.freddiesnutrition.com
Or hit the link below on this page!
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