Look at these TESTIMONIALS. This is what BODY REVISION BY CLAUDIA can do for you…….!!!!!!! These clients are day to day people who want to change the way they look and feel. THE PROGRAMS that we design, is catered to each individual clients. UNLIKE OTHER PROGRAMS ARE MUCH THE SAME. Our motto
“each individual people are not created the same, our body composition is unique as well as our genes”
This is why BODY REVISION BY CLAUDIA will give you the BEST RESULT that your body is designed for……….!!!!!! or get into our FABULOUS “BODY REVISION TEAM VEGAS FIGURE & BIKINI/PHYSIQUE“, you’ll be AMAZED in how the program works. It’s guaranteed to prepare you for competitions or just look FABULOUS on upcoming school reunions or gatherings to show off your hard working body and it’s AFFORDABLE……. So, contact me for more information.
Client: Tiffany



“Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”
Since my days as a competitive swimmer that has been the motto I’ve lived my life by, and when it came to almost every facet of my life I was always focused on accomplishing whatever goal I set for myself so, I was frustrated that when I set my mind to losing weight, I just couldn’t seem to achieve the results I wanted.
About nine months ago I decided I was serious this time and after years of struggling to do this on my own I realized it was time for some professional help! I’d always been a fan of figure and fitness athletes and decided I wanted to compete. I figured if I had a goal to shoot for I would actually commit to losing the weight. A simple internet search turned up the Group Figure and Bikini Program and after looking over Claudia’s site, I became convinced it was exactly what I needed.
So in January of 2011 I sat down with Claudia to discuss my goals and expectations. Almost immediately I knew this was the right fit. I was given a competition diet, instructed to do cardio six days a week, attend weight training sessions with Claudia four days a week, and weigh in on a weekly basis. It was perfect! I would receive the guidance and instruction that I needed and be held accountable by not only my trainer, but also the other participants in the program, and the dreaded scale—which I can tell you never lies! It was a no brainer to me! At our first meeting, I signed up, and have never once looked back! And at the end of the 12 week program I accomplished every single goal I set for myself—right? WRONG!
I am so blessed to have met Claudia and received the guidance that I did because at the end of the program I dropped 25 pounds and 12% body fat. And yes, I did get on stage, and in my first show I placed 6th. A tremendous accomplishment indeed, and I was certainly proud of myself, but when I stepped off that stage I was not satisfied because I knew I could have done so much better had I stuck to the diet! Throughout the entire program, I could not seem to master the diet and was constantly cheating. You name it I had it! Cupcakes. cookies, donuts…..If it wasn’t on the diet I would sneak it and eat it, and those little bites here and there just added up. But so what, right? I still lost weight and I now looked great in a bikini! I was now a size 4, and smaller than I’d ever been. That should have been the end of this story, but it wasn’t because deep down I felt like I’d failed the most important person of all—myself. So, I rededicated myself to my training, and most importantly, my diet!
It wasn’t easy, but with the guidance and support of Claudia, and the other amazing women in the Group Figure and Bikini Program, I got on stage 12 weeks later with a new attitude and a new physique. Win or lose, I had little expectations for my second show because in my mind I’d already won—And well… I guess the judges thought so too! Because I took first in my height class, second overall and I earned a trip to the NPC Nationals where I plan to compete for my IFBB pro card.
Client: Giulanna

145 lbs-AFTER

220 lbs-BEFORE
My name is Giuliana and I am 34 years old, married, have a 7 year old son and live in Bermuda. I started Claudia’s online nutrition and weight training program during Feb 2011 (34 weeks ago) weighing in at 197 pounds. I have always struggled with my weight and have tried numerous diets/weight loss programs. I have been active most of my adult life and love working out. I have even taught Spinning classes, became a rowing coach and worked at a couple of gyms. My weight continuously fluctuated and I often felt embarrassed since I held these jobs but never “looked” the part.
I met my husband 12 years ago and I weighed around 155. Over the next 4 years my weight fluctuated and I got up to 180 right before I got pregnant with my son Lorenzo. After the pregnancy I was 240!! Over the next couple of years I managed to get back down to 180. Then we moved to Bermuda and I was dealing with serious post partum depression and got right back up to 220’s and size 22. I don’t want to blame all of my weight gain on those events BUT they did not help. My eating habits have always been bad and I tend to eat when I’m upset or bored. I have since dealt with my depression ( meds and counseling ) and have gotten back into working out. I noticed that all of my efforts were going to waste. So after hitting the gym and getting to 197 I found myself stuck. This is where Jenn Bond comes in!
I met Jenn many years ago when we lived in Vegas. We kept in touch and contacted each other on Facebook. I started seeing her transformation on line and it really made me think! I want those SHOULDERS! lol So I asked Jenn what she was up to. She said she was training with Claudia to enter a figure competition. When I finally got the courage, I decided to email Claudia and give her a try. I never took a picture of my body when I started (which I’m really bummed about) because I thought it was just silly. I have done it before to only be disappointed. When I started with Claudia I set a goal of 160. I had no thoughts of entering competitions but just wanted to get the weight off and look better.
Claudia sends me my workouts and meal plans on Sundays and I send her my weight and measurements on Mondays. I followed her meal plans and the exercises and, for once in my life, my body was really changing. I was not just losing weight but I was also gaining muscle! Very exciting and motivating to know my weight loss was all fat. I always thought I needed someone in person to tell me what to do, but after this online experience, I have changed my mind about that. I go to the gym everyday on my own and do all the exercises on my own which I find really empowering. I love how Claudia is still in the background telling me what to do. I also love that I can go onto Facebook and see what the other girls are up to. Its very motivating to see that Claudia and Angela’s program works on all types of women.
Around mid June (4 months later) I reached my goal of 160 (down 37 pounds!!)! This would have come quicker but I spent about 7 weeks traveling during this time and was not following my diet/workouts as strictly while away. Every time we went on holiday I put on weight. This wasn’t good but I was amazed that I could come back and get right back into it. I set weekly goals and kept in touch with Jenn and Claudia on Facebook for support.
After accomplishing my goal of 160 I then decided to keep on going! Why not? I was seeing real results and my body looked amazing. I am now down to 145. That’s over 50 pounds in about 8 months and I went from a size 18 to an 8!! My new goal is too get down to 130 and enter a figure competition. I’m looking for a show towards the end of March 2012. Thank you Claudia for all that you do for me and for all the girls that I look up to on Facebook. I’m well on my way but not done yet!!!!
Things that changed and made this work this time around?
1. Claudia! I trust her even though I have only met her a couple of times. I have seen what she can do and I know and trust that she can do the same for me.
2. My husband! He FINALLY stopped sabotaging my diet. He stopped the late night binges and drinking and has lost 35 pds himself! He’s thinking of competing too!
3. Mentally I think my head was clear and focused. I have been through some really crappy times with post partum. Going through that put me in a place now where I am not scared of much anymore.
Client: Mike
The only way to thank Claudia for her gift to me is to write this recommendation. One year ago I was suffering from lack of flexibility so bad I had extreme difficulty walking. I hurt so much I thought I was going to suffer for the rest of my life.
I was referred to Claudia from Dr. Terry Akers, the chiropractic. When I first came to Claudia she could see the pain in my eyes. She immediately started stretching me with her time-tested routine. What a difference! And right away! Not only did she stretch me, but she instructed me on simple stretches and exercises that I could do anywhere; even at work! She made it fun and simple. Without her guidance I would have been lost.
I have weight trained with Claudia. She is big on core exercises and active stretching. She is strong, and could give most men in the gym a good run for their money! She has a way of identifying and attacking your weak spots. She always practices proper form.
Most of all, Claudia is a great trainer and person. I have so much fun with her! She makes the hard stuff go quickly. She has great knowledge of correct diet and and food combinations. I have a great time talking with her and picking her brain. Her personal routine is second to none, and it shows.
I really owe my entire life to Claudia. She is solely responsible for my recovery. I have two young boys that are very active and without her I could not play with them. I am so very grateful for her gift to me.
Client: Debbi
Client: Sheletha

One woman have changed my life…for the better!!
I met Claudia Aquino about two years ago when my scale tipping weight was about 171 lbs. (the heaviest I had ever been) and when I was squeezing my size 12 physique into a size 10. I had become very frustrated with my inability to drop unwanted body weight simply by training for and competing in marathons, which had worked for me in the past. I suspect the reasons this no longer worked was because my body had adapted to my endurance training and my eating habits were horrible.
After my first meeting with Claudia, I had my husband snap these before pictures because I was certain a transformation was about to occur. Within six months, Claudia’s training and nutritional guidance helped me get my weight down to 158 lbs. Yes, I should have shed significantly more weight in this time period, but I was still eating poorly the majority of the time, which included fried foods, pizza and going to bed with a bag of Cheetos in hand, etc. — Who the heck does that? Certainly not an athlete that’s in it to win it!

171 lbs-BEFORE
After observing the physiques of the women in Claudia’s 12 week Group Figure and Bikini Training program, I knew that was the program for me. I didn’t commit from the beginning to compete in a figure competition, but instead said that if I was happy with my physique close to competition time then I would compete. My primary goals when joining the program were to shed unwanted body fat and improve my running.
At the time I joined the program, I was also training for my fourth full marathon, which wasn’t the best idea as the diets are diametrically opposed to one another. Nevertheless, Claudia ensured that I consumed the proper nutrients to sustain me through my long training runs and minimize muscle loss.
My magical results from Claudia’s 12 week Group Figure/Bikini program were as follows:
- I shed 31 additional pounds
- I shed 11% body fat
- I qualified for the Boston Marathon eight weeks after beginning the program
- During my Boston Marathon qualifying race, I never, ever encountered the infamous WALL!! In fact, I had my best splits at miles 22-26 around the time the runner’s WALL usually shows up
I was amazed at my transformation!! I’m also happy that the knowledge I attained from Claudia has enabled me to maintain a healthy body composition and for that I will forever be thankful. In fact, I now sport a size 6 in jeans during the off season and a size 4 during competition preparation season and the best is yet to come.
Client: Angela

First off I need to start by saying entering this program has been the best decision I’ve ever made. Prior to joining Claudia’s group I was just like 90% off the women you see in the gym today. I attended sporadically and had no idea what I was doing. I did this for over a year and only lost about 5 pounds during that time.
After playing soccer for a few months I realized how out of shape I was, so I decided to find a trainer to help me get in shape. I searched the LVAC website for trainers and honestly Claudia’s ad drew me away. Not for any reason on their part it’s just because the LVAC ad and I was looking for something hard core. I thought this would be too little for what I wanted. My initial plans were not to get sexy or compete in a bikini competition. I wanted to get healthy in shape and most of all be strong. I’m not much of a girly girl. After reviewing all the ads I contacted another female trainer who’s rates where out of my price range. This trainer was so kind to refer me to Claudia. I met with Claudia and was instantly sold with the flexible schedule and affordable monthly rate.
I became addicted to the program from the day I started training with the group. Everyday I was blessed to train with such a versatile group of women that I’ve become good friends with. Each workout was hard and every bit of hard core I was looking for but it was fun because it was such a pleasure to be around my wonderful trainers and the other women. Every day while training it was like a party to me. So much fun and laughter.
I noticed changes in my body and attitude with in a week. Not only was I getting fit but I was a lot happier. I’m 5’4″ and weighed about 145 when I started the program. I don’t remember my exact body fat percentage I believe I was at 26% or 27%. I this point I worked out with the group at least 4 days a week and followed 90% of the diet. Everyday I used to tell Claudia “I need a tummy tuck”, and she would give me the evil eye and say ” No you don’t give me a couple more months”. I have 3 kids by the way hence the tummy tuck suggestion. I began the program in March and by the end of June I starting to reach my goal. I took a few steps back from my goal on July and August. My kids were away for the summer and I did lots of partying, eating, and drinking. The diet is a large part of this program and the buddy system that developed from the group really help me stay on track.
September 1st was the day I decided to hit the diet and workouts hard, to do the Las Vegas Classic Figure Bikini show. I began dieting hard, and doing excess cardio to catch up. I never listened to Claudia. I always over did it, if she said eat 1600 calories I would eat 1200, if she said do 45 minutes cardio I would do 60 minutes. I lost weight fast, but I was also losing muscle. I looked flat about 3 weeks out from the show. Angela and Claudia noticed the change in my body and explained how what I was doing was not helping it was hurting my body. I then learned how important it was to trust them. I learned how easily I can manipulate my body with food.
At the end of the program I weighed just under 110 lbs. I had lost approximately 35 lbs. My body fat was at about 11% to 12%. I was in the 2nd call out at the show which means I placed between 6th and 10th out of 24 girls. The important thing here for me was that I did it. I’m a single mother who works full time,yet I worked my butt off to accomplish this goal. I have 3 kids and I competed against women who had none, for my first competition I did pretty well. Claudia was right again, I never needed a tummy tuck all along. Now if she can find a workout that will make my breast grow, that’ll save me more money on plastic surgery. LOL
I’ve gained the tools needed to maintain a healthy and fit life style and this is something I’m slowly teaching my children. My family and I are truly blessed that I have crossed paths with these an amazing woman, Claudia. I love you Claudia.
Client: Olivia
Starting weight: 164
Starting Body Fat%: 34%

Before & After Body Composition
Before I decided to join Claudia’s Group Figure and Bikini Training, I attempted SEVERAL diets. Pretty much every crash diet imaginable. It even became sort of a joke among friends to say, “What diet is Olivia doing now?!” I even tried good ol’ working out and (what I thought was) healthy eating. However, I would work my butt off with no change…I even watched my weight climb back up!
So, here I was 26 lbs. heavier after dropping 40 lbs. on HCG. Fatter than ever…no hope…almost accepting that this was how I was going to live the rest of my life….blood pressure meds, too tired to play with my 2 young daughters…not exactly the role model I was expecting. At my lowest weight (post kids), I was still embarrassed to wear tight clothing. I was skinny fat. Muffin top. Jelly belly…you name it! On top of all of this, I knew that I had a very unhealthy relationship with food.
Then, I stumbled upon a picture….I never knew how much that picture would impact my life. What picture you ask???? It was the advertisement for Claudia’s 12 week transformation. I carried the LVAC magazine (which still sits on my nightstand for motivation) with me for about a week before calling. I spoke to Claudia to get the details and knew right away that I had to find any way possible to get in that gym and get with these girls….I just knew there was something amazing there!!!
This whole journey has completely flipped my life around. I’ve learned how to eat properly and enjoy….YES, enjoy it! I’ve learned how to work-out (and not feel intimidated by fit people in the gym). I’ve learned to watch my body shrink instead of getting hung up on the numbers on the scale. Most importantly, I was becoming the role model that I wanted to be for my girls.
Not only did I find a community that accepts me, encourages me, and challenges me, but I found new goals….better goals. Although I know that I have so much more that I want to achieve, I am going to also take the time to enjoy all the steps this far. I look forward to…and completely trust my trainer…and my new extended family to help me become my best!!! It’s wonderful to know that I have all this….from my 12 week transformation!!! Claudia ROCK!!
Client: Kim B.

Before 12-Week Program
Yes! This is what I was built for”. It’s also the first time in my life that I looked in the mirror and liked what I saw. Aside from having lost 19lbs since starting, I have slept better, my headaches and back pain are virtually gone, my mood has improved, I cope with stresses better, and I’ve even had lesions on my body that wouldn’t heal- disappear (I forgot that your body needs protein to heal and I was barely eating any before).
I’ve been in decent shape most of my life but in the last several years I’ve felt pretty crappy. Achy, tired, grumpy, mildly depressed, low self-image, no motivation.
I put on more weight than ever in my life by allowing myself to graze on candy and pastries that lay around my work space as an alternative to eating real meals, I was on a roller coaster of fatigue so I would eat because I thought I needed more energy. I drank every night to alleviate the days’ work stressors.
When the scale passed 130 AT ONLY 5’2 I was NOT HAPPY but still not motivated enough to do what I knew I should do.
Last Christmas we went on a cruise and the pictures told me a story of what a big dump I had become. I had been using very low calorie diets or even fasting to lose quick weight but of course it always came back. I can’t imagine how much muscle I lost over the years by doing that. I was starting to get a little stressed because in 6 months I would be turning 40 and I couldn’t look like that!
One day my friend Lars was telling me about his wife (and our friend) Kim and how she was doing the GROUP FIGURE BIKINI TRAINING AND COMPETING. He showed me pictures of her and the team. They looked amazing! He said if I only changed one thing to start with I should start drinking more water; Additionally, increase my meals and eat more protein.
That week I started and began reading about GROUP FIGURE TRAINING and reading the before and after stories on the website. I also learned that my friend from high school was also on the team (Kim Trujillo). After not seeing her for over 20 years we had a chance meeting where she told me how wonderful the program was. The Universe had spoken and I would have been a fool not to listen!
I called Claudia that night to sign up.
The group training has been successful for me because I have people to answer to and people that challenge, support, and commiserate with me. Claudia is a fitness angel. I can’t thank them enough for the knowledge they have given me. The girls in the group are all amazing people who inspire me every day. I am truly blessed to be a part of this team! I can’t wait for the next new me to be unveiled in 12 more weeks! ….Things to do before you die….Get Ripped!

After 12-Week Program
Now, the final week before the Las Vegas Classics competition on November 3, 2012, Kim B has transformed her body into an AMAZING COMPETITION BODY!!!!
Client: Yasmin
Claudia is simply Awesome!!

After having my second baby I tried several exercise programs (like px90) to lose the baby weight without any results. So I decided to look for a personal trainer, someone that could push me to my limits, and help me take my workout to another level so I could get REAL RESULTS.
I remember the first day I talk to Claudia, I asked her for her schedule and in that time none of them seemed to work for me, But I was determinate to find a time for me (when I say I did not have time is because I have full time and part time job, 2 kids, husband, and a dog LoL). But I told myself there is no excuse, I can to this.
From our first session, I knew she was different than the rest of the personal trainer. She is not only very knowledgeable, but caring and fun.
She helped me find the right diet that would help me lose weight and at the same time still be able to breast feed my newborn. I thought that was impossible because of the calories that I need to produce milk. She found one that helped me lose 13 pounds in my first month.
I have been 4 months since I started and so far I have lost almost 30 pounds. I have Claudia and the girls to tank for that.

Client: Faith
My journey to the Las Vegas Classic started in May of this year. I had always wanted to do a competition, and at the very least, look like I could do a competition. Even as a young girl, I always idolized women like Racheal McGlish and Cory Everson. Then a friend of mine back in Michigan posted pics of a show she did. She looked SO amazing, I just had to try. I thought if she can do it, I can do it. I tried to do all kinds of research online, but felt so overwhelmed about where to even start. Then I saw an ad in the LVAC magazine about a group that can train you for a 12 week transformation and/or a competition. I was SO excited! I told my husband I wanted to give it a shot, so HE told EVERYONE I was going to do it. Now I HAD to! That was exactly the push I needed, and he, being a former competititor knew that once you make yourself accountable, you are more likely to succeed. It has been an amazing experience, and I got in the BEST shape of my life. I feel like this is just the beginning for me. Having fitness goals and reaching them has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. It has changed every area of my life. I feel so amazing physically, emotionally, even spiritually. I have found a new passion for life and am excited about every day. Being part of a group proved to be a wonderful experience as well, the encouragement and support from everyone has kept me going. And Claudia has been more help to me than I could have even asked for, always offering encouragement and praise, answering any and all questions, whether it be about diet, supplements, etc. Telling me exactly what to expect at the competition. It has all been priceless to me. Her years of experience shows, and she is amazing at adapting the program to each persons needs. So THANK YOU CLAUDIA! I look forward to continuing this journey with you, and doing more competitions in the future.
Thanks again for everything Claudia!
Special Thanks to Steven Evans from 777 Photography who took photos of Miss Gourgeous Faith, a transformation in sight and a job well done!!!!
Client: Olivia