
All posts for the month July, 2012

Baby Steps is something I like to tell my clients!
Sometimes we go gun hoe into that 100% change of life style and get burned out in 2 seconds!!!
If this is just about losing weight and not about competing it may better to change things slowly!
So which changes are the most important?
All diet really means is way of eating 🙂
Don’t go to low in your caloric needs right away!
Once you hit a platoo (and you will…) you need to be able to lower your caloric needs!
Never go below 1200 calories because this will simply stop your metabolism .
Next increase your cardiovascular activity!
If you are doing 3 days of 30-40 min cardio per day, add one more day!
According to the American Fitness association you maintain your weight by 3 days of cardiovascular activity per week, but to lose weight you need to do 4 or more days of cardio….
Conditioned people maybe more, unless they are now starting to control their diet!
Next will be challenge yourself!!!
Lift heavier…
Increase that muscle to burn more calories.
Your muscle is your calorie burning machine!!!
Don’t worry ladies 🙂
You will not turn into a man without adding testosteron injections!!!
You can only gain about 8 pounds of muscle per year with perfect diet and supplementation!
That’s a lot, even destriputed over the whole body….
But once you diet down you will lose some of this!
Make sure you added enough, so there can be some left.
It takes about 4-6 weeks to get that focus to be on the diet 100%….
There will be some mistakes as we’ve seen in the past >>>>
People don’t want to Pre cook meals and end up eating processed turkey or chicken….
Using frozen foods instead of fresh (high sodium)!
Not drinking enough water, or adding flavors which dehydrates instead of hydrates the body!!!
Over usage of sugar free syrup, which causes bloating and constipation!!!
Using dairy free fat free frozen yogurt, which is made from corn and turns to sugar anyway ( causes bloating and constipation)!
Energy drinks, which are poisen and slowing down your thyroid function just like soda does!
Eventually you will get this 🙂
Once you are very close to that perfect eating, your energy will increase and you will feel like a million bucks!!!
So why do we get back to our old habits?
We are addicted to sugar, caffeine, sodium, and tons of other chemicals…
However once you discovered how amazing you feel and how good you look, you will always come back to clean eating and training hard!
It’s all worth it 🙂

If you like this blog, please donate to the Trio Animal Foundation or leave a donation on this page!
For your supplemental needs, please visit Freddie’s Nutrition in Las Vegas, or simply hit the Freddie’s link on this page!
Thank you 🙂

Today was amazing!
Beautiful Mervat placed 15th out of more than 40 people in her first National Competition!
Jessica placed 12th!
Samantha (Samy) placed 15th out of more than 40 girls!
This is absolutely great!!!
Most of these women have competed in Nationals several times…
There bodies went through improvements over the course of sometimes years 🙂
We did absolutely amazing …..
Our team is getting stronger and better every time!
And of course with success comes envy and hate!
That is something we need to prepare for 😉
Obviously it’s nothing new to humanity !!!
All we can do is to be the best we can be!
Ignore the negative and move on….
Everything is a boomerang and kicks you back in the ass if you don’t watch it!!!
There are amazing things in store for us :())
I’m excited!
I love to see success in other people .
That means they are doing something right!!!
With that success will come to me as well.
The law of nature :
Love creates love!
Hate creates hate, negativity, and illness…
I chose to love my enemies 🙂

Little Samy got 3rd call out yesterday out of 9 call outs which is amazing for her first National Competition!
In Nationals the rule is everything after 15th is 16th place, no matter if you placed last ….
That way no ones feelings get hurt!
There was a 5 hour delay in prejudging because of the volume!
I am excited to watch the Figure girls ( Mervat and Jessica) compete today!
This will give us the understanding on what National Judges are looking for!
West Coast and East Coast will also wary in size, body fat % and performance!
While Bikini girls were tiny compared to Pre qualifying competitors, we will see how Figure girls are being compared…..
Tickets to the night show are always pricy.
It’s good to know a friend that knows a friend, that knows a friend (lol)
Going to watch tonight for free 🙂
Thanks J. for having dinner with Judges (hahaha…)!
Life is good 😉

USA’s this weekend!!!
We will be watching Mervat, Samantha, and Jessica compete in Nationals .
Las Vegas Figure Team Mervat Berry is putting a great Media Package together for us !
Mervat is simply amazing!!!
Our 12 week Transformation Ad on LVAC TV is appearing in a few more days 🙂
We already have a large amount of clientele from our Ad in the Magazine….
My video is posted on their Website along with my ad…
It will also appear on a few other sites 🙂
I may be on the cover of a smaller local magazine!
We’ll see …
And I am excited about my upcoming vacation!!!
Need a vacation ( its been a very long time)!
I am looking toward the future!
God is good and he loves me 🙂
Enjoy your day!!!

You can watch us on LVAC TV with our amazing sponsor Freddie’s Nutrition!

For your supplemental needs just click on the Freddie’s link on this page!

In your first 4 weeks you will experience a change in water weight!
Releasing a lot of unwanted water retention in your body!
You may fit into a smaller size!
The first two weeks may be the hardest since your body will go through a detox, getting rid of garbage from processed foods , sugar, and chemicals…
Flu like symptoms, headache and achiness can show up!
4-8 weeks you can see dramatic changes in your appearance as long as you are consistent with your diet!!!
Muscle bellies are starting to form and round, skin color is changing , you feel highly energetic and strong 🙂
Hair and nails will grow faster!
Higher amount of B Complex can also darken hair and lessen grey!
Skin is clearing up.
8-12 weeks: your body is completely changing with less body fat in your midsection!
Your gluteus go were they need to be ( high and round), your legs and arms show definition …
You feel amazing and want to show it of 😉
Never give up after the first 4 or 6 weeks.
If you have been on a long low calorie eating plan, it may take your body a little longer to adjust!
Eating healthy is a lifestyle!
Diets are temporary and can’t be maintained for long periods of time!
Make healthy living your routine, a part of your life!
Remember to be good to your body…
One day you will have to give it back, and what will you tell God if it’s all broken?

For information about supplements to help with your process, please contact Freddie’s Nutrition

Or simply click on the link on this page…..Thanks!