
All posts for the month April, 2012

Baby Steps here we go πŸ™‚
I have tried to ease up on my workouts a little, so my body will be able to respond better once I start kicking it up a notch πŸ™‚
I increased my water intake as well as my carbohydrate intake!
Giving my joints some extra lubrication ( every unit of carbohydrates holds 1.5 units of water)….
Needless to say I feel a bit fluffy at this point!
My plan for this coming week is to keep my water intake high, be consistent with my supplements, exactly measure and pre pack my meals, training heavy with low reps, and incorporatingΒ a core ( not ab) routine!
Plus I will be out of town Thursday thru Sunday….
I will have a exact plan on how I will be following my diet and workout routine!
My hotel will have a gym availible, which makes it easy!
I will take gallons of water with me so I won’t have toΒ look for the next convinient store!
I am sure I will get some good hiking in .Β 
On my weight lifting days I will keep my cardio to about 45 minutes fat burning zone, while on my cardio only days I will have 2 cardio routines.
One in the higher heart rate zone with sprint intervalls, but lesser time ( 35 minutes) and one in the lower heart rate zone but going for a longer time ( 55 minutes)
Depending on how long my hikes will be on the weekend, I might have to cut the second cardio training out!
My leg workouts will consist of tons of squatting and tons of full leg movements for now!
I will weigh once per week in the beginning, but I am a freak and later I will weigh every day πŸ˜‰
It is one of my tools for myself to stick to my program!
I am putting up competition pictures on my fridge to make my mind realize that I will be there again.
There is always some kind of emergency food in my purse, and I get laughed at all the time!
Usually it is a protein shake or a eggwhite pancake, or even a chicken breast in a zip lock bag…….
Remember always be prepared !!!!
Never run out of food!
I am eating every 2-3 hours…’s a must!

Obviously there must be some well balanced individuals out there, however I have to say that I am not one of them!!!
People ask me all the time how I can be so uplifting in always in a good mood!
The answer is simple: I chose to be!
I can be all up there at a 10 when it comes to positivity, or I can be a 1 or even a 0!!!
I made the choice a long time ago where I want to be, because I was there at that 1 or 0!!!
Unhappy, having anxiety, not wanting to be here anymore!
It is a choice!!!
For me that means staying away from negativity or yielding myself of from it;)
I have learned to build a wall around me to listen but not to take in!
I do not watch TV ( that might be absurd to some), because I do not allow myself to be bombarded with negative media input.
Change your thoughts and change you life and happiness!!!
It is that simple!
We are more powerful that you can imagine.
Find something positive in every negative thought or sentence!
Appreciate your life, your family, your accomplishments!
There is always something uplifting πŸ™‚
No material object or person can make you happy!!!
Happiness comes from within you!
You are the creator of your life πŸ˜‰
The most rewarding feeling is when you change another persons life to the better!
That is what we are meant to do.
Our purpose in life is to be there for each other.
Being selfish and self upsorbed will never make one happy!!!
A piece of God is within us πŸ™‚
Let it guide and amaze you!
It will show you that there is more to us than your eye is able to see!
Love for everyone!
Love for everything!
Love for this great life!

We all go through difficult times.
Financially , relationship wise, stressful situations at work, and emotional…
It causes anxiety !
First step to feel better is to slow down your breathing!
Take your thoughts to a happy place….
Think about anything that makes you happy πŸ™‚
A vacation….the beach….a person….
Next realize that tough situations enter our life all the time πŸ˜‰
You know it always works out in the end…and if it doesn’t it was not meant to be!!!
One important thing for me is to trust in God!
It doesn’t matter your religion, or what you call him!
Believe in the Lord!
Trust that he has your back!!!
Always πŸ™‚
Just knowing that you have this support on your side is one of the most important things about this life!
Tell yourself ” I trust in God”!
It relaxes me whether I am on a bumpy airplane ride, or a difficult situation !
I know in the end it all works out πŸ™‚
Trust and you will change your fear or your anxiety or your stress level !

Why would I blog about this you might ask….?
Well there are several reason for it πŸ™‚
1. I will stick to this date and there will be no turning back!
2. I will be 100% on track faster than my usual 6-7 weeks out!
3. Summer is around the corner and I WANT TO LOOK GOOD ;-/
4. It will show you that I am just human like all of you πŸ™
5. It will help you understand how much tougher I have to be to achieve your results, and maybe it will help you appreciate your personal journey better πŸ™‚
So this is it!!!!
My last few days before the REAL diet starts!
This Saturday I will be 12 weeks out!
I have been taking it easy on my workout for this week, hoping my body to go into shock when punishment starts (LOL)!!!!!!!!!!!!
This week I am concentrating in upping my water intake to 1-1 1/2 gallons per day!
First step next week will be :
1. increasing intensity of my workouts πŸ™‚
2. weighing and calculating exact calories of my food!!! …lazy must go….
3. keeping my carbohydrate intake higher on weight days for now…hard for me!
4. no excuses anymore about time verses workouts!
5.I will be leaving town from May 3rd until May 6th!
It will be a challenge, but I am married to a man that keeps me on track πŸ™
I love doing this!
Not only to see the changes my body is going through, but also because I love being so focused!!!
I will nothing come into my way ( period)!
It is a real challenge of willpower, determination, and focus!
But as you already know πŸ˜‰
Focus and Determination will lead to Success :)))