I see people in the gym working out like there is no tomorrow, but never change!
So sad….
There are still some of us who strongly believe as long as they work out hard they are able to eat whatever they want!
Sadly there are no compensations!!!
You can not have your cake and eat it too.
Research shows that your metabolic rate is only at 50% eating the wrong food compared of having the right food or fuel!
You are what you eat!!!
Going in a circle of eating bad and putting on body fat and over training losing muscle….
Wait until a few month later and that person has totally changed into a skinny fat person!
Going for over one hour on your cardiovascular workout will ” burn” muscle ( your bodies glycogen stores are depleted and your body will turn or convert your muscle into glycogen for fuel)….
So does training the same muscle group twice the same day, or every day!!!
Depending on which muscle you are training it will need between 48 and 72 hours for recovery!
Muscle growth does not happen while you are working out!
It happens in your resting phase 😉
Work out hard….then rest and let it grow :)))
Make sure that if you are doing more than one cardio workout per day, that you have at least 4 or more hours in between to refuel and let the nutrition do it’s job!!!
Eat every 3 hours ( I eat every 2 hours) a small 100-150 calorie meal to keep that metabolism going!
And hydrate!!!
Hydration influenzes your metabolic rate….
As your hydration goes up, so will your metabolism!
Eat clean and healthy meals that have protein, carbohydrates as well as some fat,, and train smart!!!