We hear excuses all day long!!!
I’m tired, exhausted, no sleep, sick, busy, Lalalalala….
The typical eating excuses:
I have a slow metabolism…
I was lonely , sad, depressed, tired, bored….
I have a slow thyroid, kidney issue, am diabetic …
Like I said excuses , because you finally find out that this person or these people don’t eat the way they should eat, drink way to much alcohol, eat to much salt, sugar and fat !
You are in control !!!
Don’t use excuses , because the only person you are lying to is yourself!
You can not out exercise a bad diet, PERIOD!
It takes 3500 calories to burn one pound of fat!
If you keep shuffling high fatty foods into your mouth you will keep gaining more body fat, no matter how hard and how long you work out….
Consistency is the key!
What you do day by day for a long period of time is what creates results!
Yes, it is hard in the beginning.
Be persistent for the first week and it becomes easier with time 🙂
Stop using excuses!
If you are bored, get busy (don’t eat)!
Depressed? Eating only depresses more, because you end up hating yourself!
Lonely? Get a dog 😉
You are gaining weight because you eat to much!
That’s it !
Otherwise people wouldn’t starve to death….
Whenever I start leaning out and someone asks me what I do?
My answer is ” I stopped lying to myself !”
For all your supplemental needs please visit Freddie’s Nutrition in Las Vegas, or click on the Freddie’s link on this page!
Thank you!