Our muscle fibers are designed to contract , expand, hold and stretch in all 3 planes of motion!
The most common plane of motion is the sagital plane…straight ahead right in front of you ( our daily life mostly involves this plane of motion)
Then there is frontal plane of motion, which is side to side ( a less common plane in our world…step side to side……)
The least common plane of motion is the Transverse plane or rotation ( lateral raises…)
Most injuries are happening in the transverse plane of motion!
To prevent injury and keep our muscle fiber healthy, flexible, and strong we need to use all planes of motion!
It is a old fashion opinion that rotation is bad for you!
Most Athletes that are mostly using the sagital plane of motion are the ones mostly injured……
Functional training also includes Core strengthening!
Core strengthening does include some abdominal work, but there is more to that….
There are 21 muscles attached to the core and it’s not just transverse abdominal, obelix, rectus abdominal….
A strong Core will help you with overall strength, injury prevention, and better movement patterns!
Our daily life involves the Core and 3 planes of motion ( or have you never picked up your purse from the back seat ?….rotation…)
So strengthen your body and include your Core to feel better, get stronger and keep yourself injury free 🙂