Obviously there must be some well balanced individuals out there, however I have to say that I am not one of them!!!
People ask me all the time how I can be so uplifting in always in a good mood!
The answer is simple: I chose to be!
I can be all up there at a 10 when it comes to positivity, or I can be a 1 or even a 0!!!
I made the choice a long time ago where I want to be, because I was there at that 1 or 0!!!
Unhappy, having anxiety, not wanting to be here anymore!
It is a choice!!!
For me that means staying away from negativity or yielding myself of from it;)
I have learned to build a wall around me to listen but not to take in!
I do not watch TV ( that might be absurd to some), because I do not allow myself to be bombarded with negative media input.
Change your thoughts and change you life and happiness!!!
It is that simple!
We are more powerful that you can imagine.
Find something positive in every negative thought or sentence!
Appreciate your life, your family, your accomplishments!
There is always something uplifting 🙂
No material object or person can make you happy!!!
Happiness comes from within you!
You are the creator of your life 😉
The most rewarding feeling is when you change another persons life to the better!
That is what we are meant to do.
Our purpose in life is to be there for each other.
Being selfish and self upsorbed will never make one happy!!!
A piece of God is within us 🙂
Let it guide and amaze you!
It will show you that there is more to us than your eye is able to see!
Love for everyone!
Love for everything!
Love for this great life!