
USA’s this weekend!!!
We will be watching Mervat, Samantha, and Jessica compete in Nationals .
Las Vegas Figure Team Mervat Berry is putting a great Media Package together for us !
Mervat is simply amazing!!!
Our 12 week Transformation Ad on LVAC TV is appearing in a few more days 🙂
We already have a large amount of clientele from our Ad in the Magazine….
My Fitnessmagazine.com video is posted on their Website along with my ad…
It will also appear on a few other sites 🙂
I may be on the cover of a smaller local magazine!
We’ll see …
And I am excited about my upcoming vacation!!!
Need a vacation ( its been a very long time)!
I am looking toward the future!
God is good and he loves me 🙂
Enjoy your day!!!

You can watch us on LVAC TV with our amazing sponsor Freddie’s Nutrition!

For your supplemental needs just click on the Freddie’s link on this page!

In your first 4 weeks you will experience a change in water weight!
Releasing a lot of unwanted water retention in your body!
You may fit into a smaller size!
The first two weeks may be the hardest since your body will go through a detox, getting rid of garbage from processed foods , sugar, and chemicals…
Flu like symptoms, headache and achiness can show up!
4-8 weeks you can see dramatic changes in your appearance as long as you are consistent with your diet!!!
Muscle bellies are starting to form and round, skin color is changing , you feel highly energetic and strong 🙂
Hair and nails will grow faster!
Higher amount of B Complex can also darken hair and lessen grey!
Skin is clearing up.
8-12 weeks: your body is completely changing with less body fat in your midsection!
Your gluteus go were they need to be ( high and round), your legs and arms show definition …
You feel amazing and want to show it of 😉
Never give up after the first 4 or 6 weeks.
If you have been on a long low calorie eating plan, it may take your body a little longer to adjust!
Eating healthy is a lifestyle!
Diets are temporary and can’t be maintained for long periods of time!
Make healthy living your routine, a part of your life!
Remember to be good to your body…
One day you will have to give it back, and what will you tell God if it’s all broken?

For information about supplements to help with your process, please contact Freddie’s Nutrition

Or simply click on the link on this page…..Thanks!

I always get asked what kind of supplements I am using when I get ready!
If I am planning to put on a little more muscle before leaning out ( so there is something left in the end), I use the following combination …
Creatine ( the best one for me with the most dramatic changes in power, endurance, strength is mono hydrate)!
Everybody is different, so you have to find your own creatine!
Ask for samples before you purchase, but remember it takes a few days to see the difference….
A building supplement like tribulus!
I prevere a good combination that leaves your muscle in the right environment for building!
Personally I am a fan of Universal products!
I will switch between Animal M Stak or Animal Stak 2 and Animal Pump!
They all have a little different combination of muscle building ingredient , and it is always a good idea to cycle your supplements!
Now remember these supplements are all to be purchased over the counter at your favorite nutrition store.
I do not like a lot of artificial flavors when it comes to pre workout drinks like NO xplode or others….
But I will suck it up over a short period of time…
My BCAA’s ( Amino Acids) are in pill form, and yes …a Universal product 🙂
L-Glutamine can protect your muscle while training or dieting down!
It also helps with inflammation and the repair of all tissue!!!
My multivitamin choice is always (yes) Animal Pak!
It’s a powerful combination of vitamines, antioxidants, and other ingredients to help combat stress while training in the higher level!
Calcium, Magnesium Vitamin D and Zinc are a must while in the training phase!
They do much more than just feed your bones!!!
They are also responsible for muscle contraction and are a part of your minerals and electrolytes!
NO supplement (mine is NOx3 from Universal…)
Will help your growth by pushing more blood and oxygen into your muscle!
This will help deliver nutrients to the muscle fiber!
I am blessed with an amazing digestion and do not have to ad digestive enzymes or fiber to my daily routine, but of you are not as lucky as I am, add some digestive enzymes ( Twinlab has a good product) and some fiber!
Your essential fatty acid are super beneficial for you, so don’t forget them!
Once I start cutting, I will slow down on the creatine and add a fat burner
Nothing really burns fat than your combination of exercise and diet!!!
Fat burners may elevate your heart rate a little to help you burn a few more calories, but mostly they help your energy level while dieting down!!!
Use one does not harm you!
If you are taking medication check with your physician before starting any supplementation!!!
Just remember if you are not eating healthy or clean, no supplement will make a difference in your progress!

For more information please visit Freddie’s Nutrition in Las Vegas, or simply hit the link on the right hand side on this home page!

If you like this blog you can either donate to the Trio’s Foundation or send a donation on this site by hitting the donation button!

Featured dog as of right now is Hudson!

Thank you!

What’s the biggest nutrition breakthrough for the next 25 years? The vote goes to nutrigenomics…the study of the interaction between food and DNA!
Here is how it works: each cell contains DNA for your entire genetic code.
This combination of proteins, hormones, and molecules remains unchanged through your life!
What does changes in this the combination your body is using to create more of the specific enzymes, hormones, and compounds that you need!
Foods that can increase you bodies natural fat burning power are: green tea …. Turns of genes that are responsible for fat cells and sugar uptake and turns on genes that mediate sugar uptake by muscle cells!
Results: smaller fat cells and more active muscle cells!
Fish oil: EPA and DHA are known to activate a specific protein in your cells called Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors ( PPARs).
They can increase fat burning for energy and improve insulin sensitivity.
Pistachios: fight inflammation!
Pomegranate : are packed with antioxidants called anthocyanins! These are known to stop the growth of fat cells by down regulate the expression of the pro-obesity and diabethis gene plasminogen activator inhibitor -1.
Olive Oil: increases adiponectin, a hormon that helps your muscle use sugar.
For more helpful information please visit Freddie’s Nutrition ( www.freddiesnutrition.com) or simply hit the link on this page ( right hand side)!
If you enjoy this blog please donate $1 $2 $5 or $10 to the Trio’s Foundation in the fight to stop animal abuse !!!
Thank you!

I would like to dedicate this blog to our sponsors!
These are people or businesses that are sacrificing their time and effort as well as money to help us in achieving great results for our clientele 🙂
Big Thank you to Freddie’s Nutrition and Freddie Evaristo!
He truly is a blessing to us and our team…
Not only is he giving us special pricing on supplements, but he is also helping us promote our business!
Freddie’s Nutrition is also Body Revision’s Featured Sponsor ( right hand side of this page)!
Thank you Pacific Tan for giving us free Tanning for our girls as well as discount packages for Competitors!
So many Thanks to Kimberly Trujillo and her amazing skills in making our girls beautiful ( hair and make up)
She is a true Artist and amazing friend!!!
Thank you to Silvia Kondova and Saleyla.
Custom designed suits to a affordable price!
Silvia is amazing…..
My very first suit was designed over the phone 😉
When I picked it up it fit perfectly!!!!
She has our trust 100%
Thank you to The Las Vegas Athletic Club for letting us train groups!!!!
It is the best gym with the best equipment in the country!!!!
Thank you for letting us grow and supporting our business these last years 🙂
You are highly appreciated!!!
Thank you to LVAC magazine .
We are able to promote our business in special before and after pictures as well as in our advertising!
There are so many Thanks to everyone we encounter 🙂
Group Training, Body Revision, and Sexyfit clients!!!
Thank you so much for choosing us !!!
Without you we are nothing…..
You are our clients, our friends, and our family!
We are all sharing a special connection 🙂
Alltogether I want to say Thanks >>>>>
Thank you Lord for letting Angela Farrar and I do what we do!
Changing life’s one at the time :))

If you like this blog please donate $1…..$5…..or $10

Donations go to the Trio’s animal foundation to save abused dogs!

See donation button upper right hand side 🙂