
I’ve been helping clients with Myofascial release and trigger point treatment for a while!
However I am starting to understand more and more what the connection is, how it all comes together and der fore how I can be of better help!
Jim has been using me to help with his flexibility for a while now.
We’ve been working a lot around his knee joint and connecting muscle to regain flexibility and strength after a knee replacement !
Jim is a runner and extremely fit, but has bad posture!
Lately I’ve noticed his posture getting worse!
Head extremely protruded towards the front, shoulders shrug up and caving in to the front, lower back very arched ….
While lying on his back his chin is facing up, which is an indication of very tight neck muscles as well.
I started to release some of his pectorial tightness by compressing on the tight fascia at the pectorial / shoulder attachement while rotating his arm ( positioned into 90 degrees) up and down…
I also worked on the connection of his sternoclydomastoid ( collar bone and head)!
Which were very much important points to work
on, but when I started compressing the medial quad attachment we’ve noticed a big release….
Jim told me that he immediately was breathing better and deeper!!!
So I’ve come to the conclusion that because of years of compensating for his bad knee, Jim’s kinetic chain has changed and catered to that compensation!
This made the anterior fascia so tight that quad and hip flexor (also extremely tight) pulls on his pelvis, rotating his pelvis to the front and causing extrem lordosis of his lower back, keeping all fascia tight including abdominal, pectorial, deltoid , and interfering with his lung capacity!

Constantly over stretching posterior fascia like hamstring, gluteus, quatrateus lumborum, latismus, trapezius muscles….
His tightness on his scaleens and sternoclydomastoid
has in parts to do with his tight intracostal muscles, which are responsible for breathing.
Those muscles lift your rip cage with every breath, and when tight , our neck muscles will take over!!!
Plan of action is to:
A.) strengthen back muscles, hams, trapz
B.) stretching front muscles chest, quads, hip flexors
C.) changing workout routine until posture changes and continuing to work on finding better balance 🙂

Watch your posture and changes of posture!
Try to adjust right away before more severe issues show up!
Our connective tissue is articulate, which means it is communicating ….
We have to teach our nervouse system to give the right signals to make it work in synergy!

If you like this blog, please donate to the Trio Animal Foundation or simply hit the Donation Button on this page!

For all your needs to help with your nutrition, inflammation and goals please visit Freddie’s Nutrition in Las Vegas, or simply click on the link on this page and it will guide you right into his online store!
Thank you!

Today we arrived in Maui at about 7am!
First thing we did after getting our rental car was heading out for breakfast!
The menu didn’t have a lot of healthy food options (supprise )….
My husband James had fish and egg whites, but I can’t eat white fish that early!
My option was a lox Benedict without hollandaise!
Which was a piece of bread with lox and tomato…
Not to bad if you forget about the bread 😉
As we were eating I watched a table next to us!
Seamed like father and daughter .
The daughter, no more than 18 years old, had juice, a bran muffin, a cinnamon roll and a plate of fruit in front of her!!!
Sugar, sugar, sugar!
Yes, she ate all of it….
The dad was having juice, a stack of 3 hughe pancakes with fruit, whipped cream and powdered sugar !
And….he also ate all of it!
I was almost ready to walk over to say” excuse me but it seams as you are forcing diabetics on yourself and your daughter”.
Bran muffins are a terrible choice!
Don’t drink juice…eat the fruit instead!
Cinnamon rolls? Please!!!
Pancakes with more sugar and saturated fat?
Clogged arteries and heartattack here we come…
Why would someone that loved their children let them
Eat this way?
( just a question)
After my observation at breakfast we had more hours to kill before check in.
So, we signed up at a local gym and worked out for about 90 minutes!
Got the blood fow going, released some of those kankles after flying for long period of time.
Before check in we stopped at the supermarket and bought water, fruit, nuts, veggies, egg whites and eggs, oatmeal and my favorite ….coffee!
No bran muffins, juice, pancakes, and cinnamon rolls allowed 🙂
Just done with dinner ( white fish, cucumbers and tomatoes), and now watching an amazingly beautiful sunset!!!
Life is good 🙂

In your first 4 weeks you will experience a change in water weight!
Releasing a lot of unwanted water retention in your body!
You may fit into a smaller size!
The first two weeks may be the hardest since your body will go through a detox, getting rid of garbage from processed foods , sugar, and chemicals…
Flu like symptoms, headache and achiness can show up!
4-8 weeks you can see dramatic changes in your appearance as long as you are consistent with your diet!!!
Muscle bellies are starting to form and round, skin color is changing , you feel highly energetic and strong 🙂
Hair and nails will grow faster!
Higher amount of B Complex can also darken hair and lessen grey!
Skin is clearing up.
8-12 weeks: your body is completely changing with less body fat in your midsection!
Your gluteus go were they need to be ( high and round), your legs and arms show definition …
You feel amazing and want to show it of 😉
Never give up after the first 4 or 6 weeks.
If you have been on a long low calorie eating plan, it may take your body a little longer to adjust!
Eating healthy is a lifestyle!
Diets are temporary and can’t be maintained for long periods of time!
Make healthy living your routine, a part of your life!
Remember to be good to your body…
One day you will have to give it back, and what will you tell God if it’s all broken?

For information about supplements to help with your process, please contact Freddie’s Nutrition

Or simply click on the link on this page…..Thanks!

It still amazes me even after so many times!!!
I come in Monday before the competition and our competitors have changed over night !!!
Their bodies are super lean with little round muscle bellies and skinny little faces!!!
By now they are tired, weak and a bit cranky (lol)…
Everything will annoy them and set up an argument 😉
Or they may get super sensitive and start crying easily ….
You have to go with it and adjust!!!!
Don’t take anything seriously that comes out of a close to competition girls mouth .
And competitors take a deep breath and know that you are super sensitive and that you are seeing things different for right now (appologize to the husbands)!
After the competition you will realize that this may have been your most powerful time!!!
You are drinking two gallons of water per day, eating super dry chicken breast without taste, overloading on asparagus that after this week you can no longer see…
You are tired but yet go to work everyday, fit in a super intense workout, come home and fall asleep during dinner!
So why is this week so impowering?
Because there is nothing to get you of the plan!!!
You have dieted and bled for 12 weeks to get to this point!
You know cheating can distroy those 12 weeks it took!!!
Right now you don’t care about sugar, salt, fat, alcohol….
You live to fuel your body!
Right now your body is so clean…
Every cell is working 100%
We keep a close eye on you to determin carbloading timing, kind of protein, workout timing…..
By tomorrow your body will release all excess water….
You will wake up and be amazed by these changes!
I personally love depletion week 🙂
I love to be so in tuned with my body!
I give my body respect for being so amazing in the changes I see!
And although you may think you will never do this crap ever again, as soon as you come of that stage you know you are “hooked” for live :))