Supplements and Vitamins

Client: Kim B.


Before 12-Week Program

Yes! This is what I was built for”. It’s also the first time in my life that I looked in the mirror and liked what I saw. Aside from having lost 19lbs since starting, I have slept better, my headaches and back pain are virtually gone, my mood has improved, I cope with stresses better, and I’ve even had lesions on my body that wouldn’t heal- disappear (I forgot that your body needs protein to heal and I was barely eating any before).

I’ve been in decent shape most of my life but in the last several years I’ve felt pretty crappy. Achy, tired, grumpy, mildly depressed, low self-image, no motivation.

I put on more weight than ever in my life by allowing myself to graze on candy and pastries that lay around my work space as an alternative to eating real meals, I was on a roller coaster of fatigue so I would eat because I thought I needed more energy. I drank every night to alleviate the days’ work stressors.

When the scale passed 130 AT ONLY 5’2 I was NOT HAPPY but still not motivated enough to do what I knew I should do.

Last Christmas we went on a cruise and the pictures told me a story of what a big dump I had become. I had been using very low calorie diets or even fasting to lose quick weight but of course it always came back. I can’t imagine how much muscle I lost over the years by doing that. I was starting to get a little stressed because in 6 months I would be turning 40 and I couldn’t look like that!

One day my friend Lars was telling me about his wife (and our friend) Kim and how she was doing the GROUP FIGURE BIKINI TRAINING AND COMPETING. He showed me pictures of her and the team. They looked amazing! He said if I only changed one thing to start with I should start drinking more water; Additionally, increase my meals and eat more protein.

That week I started and began reading about GROUPFIGURETRAINING.COM and reading the before and after stories on the website. I also learned that my friend from high school was also on the team (Kim Trujillo). After not seeing her for over 20 years we had a chance meeting where she told me how wonderful the program was. The Universe had spoken and I would have been a fool not to listen!

I called Angela that night to sign up.

The group training has been successful for me because I have people to answer to and people that challenge, support, and commiserate with me. Angela and Claudia are fitness angels. I can’t thank them enough for the knowledge they have given me. The girls in the group are all amazing people who inspire me every day. I am truly blessed to be a part of this team! I can’t wait for the next new me to be unveiled in 12 more weeks! ….Things to do before you die….Get Ripped!

After 12-Week Program

Most of us are used to having 3 main meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner!
it is hard sometimes to make people understand that you need to eat healthy snacks in between!
Or to explain to  people that you need to  eat  breakfast!
Okay now like I said in a previous blog, you are coming out of a 6-7-or 8 hour hunger period in the morning.
You have no fuel ( glycogen, protein) in your system!
The first thing your body does is shutting down your metabolic rate if you do not eat….
After that everything , or most of what  you do eat will be stored as fat
No eating between meals will do the same thing!
Do not starve yourself….eat every 3 hours!
I am leaning out best by eating every 2 hours.
No, those are not big meals ( about 100-200 calories per meal), low in fats, high in protein, low in carbs.
Eating small meals every 2-3 hours will keep your metabolism switched on the “burning phase” , and keeps muscle breakdown at bay….
This is happening when you are starving:
Your body stops burning because you are putting it on the starvation mode!
Your body now converts muscle to glycogen as fuel because there is none…..
You are losing muscle…..
Now after x amount of hours you are eating a high fatty, high starchy, high caloric meal because you are hungry as hell!
You body will use almost all the calories ( especially the fat ones) and store them as body fat!!!
So you keep losing muscle and keep gaining body fat.
Pretty soon you will have reversed your muscle to fat raitio to a fat to muscle ratio ( don’t cry)…..
Not good 🙁
You can not do what you did in the past and expect different results!!!
I can understand if you are in a operating room and are dealing with patients going under surgery, but I do not understand why you can not have a protein shake sitting on your counter to sip on once in a while, or being retired and just to comfortable to change ( you know who you are….)
If you are waiting for a servant to give you that 3 hour meal, good luck ( spoiled)
Remember your body is a chemical factory!!!
What you put in will show on your body in return!

If you like this blog please donate to the Trio’s Animal Foundation.
For all your supplemental needs ( like ready shakes) please visit Freddie’s Nutrition in Las Vegas or click on the Freddie’s link on this page!
Thank you!

My Saturday started with our client appreciation day at Freddie’s Nutrition!
Freddie is such an amazing person!!!
You can’t help but love the guy for his sweet personality and smart business sense …
Freddie is totally approachable and down to earth!
He really is here to better someone’s life, which I love because that is my agenda as well!
We’ve had a great turn out 🙂
Angela and I did Fitness assessment, movement assessment, body fat, hydration, metabolic age, flexibility assessments, and strength tests !
There was a raffle to win supplement baskets, personal training sessions, and all kinds of other stuff…
My friend Jennifer Delgado, who is sponsored by optimum nutrition , was there!
I have seen her last on stage at the USA’s competing and placing 4th !
Jennifer is always in tip top shape, because she has to be!!!
Her sponsors require it from her!
She will be traveling to the Nationals in Atlanta soon, where she is trying to get her pro card!
I think it will be soon!!!
Jennifer is going for her pro card for 6 years now!
She works super hard, and competes about 7 times per year ( always on a diet).
She was off for two week and we asked her if she was splurging 😉
The food she calls cheats are rediculies ….
In two weeks she had 2 alcoholic beverages….
That’s ladies and gentlemen is dedication!
That’s what is required when you have a sponser that pays your training, traveling expenses, sign up fees and food for competition!!!
This is a job, and you better hold your end of it 😉
It was such a successful day.
At about 2:30pm I went to my second Party!
Team Captain Mervat Berry, Kimberly and Lars Bloomberg were holding a Party at the Bloomberg house as a appreciation to the LVFB Team as well as the nurses working with Doctor Lars Bloomberg!
How fun it was!!!
Pony rides, pool fun and tons of other stuff for the kids!
Great music, nice people….
We set up an area to promote Freddie’s and Optimum Nutrition, the LVFB Team, and me 😉
I met so many sweet and fun friends of Kimberly’s!!!
Kinda felt bad by being in my work clothes while everyone else was swimming and having fun…
I may have been better that way (lol)…
And I always love when I see our girls in bikinis, confident and showing themselves of 🙂
I love to help people feel beautiful and amazing!!!
It’s like being a proud momma (hahaha…)
Kimberly is such a great person!!!
She has the biggest heart 🙂
I feel so lucky to know her….
Mervat is a hard working woman!
She set up station and promoted LVFB team and sold Appearal all day long!
Mervat is one of the hardest working people you will ever know….
I know that she can achieve anything she puts her mind to 🙂
My friend Eric showed up with his 2 little kids!
I am so happy his kids had fun.
Eric performed DMS on me earlier…
He is also the sales rep for DMS!
I may have to suck it up and get me this device!
Eric is one of the super smart people…
He keeps improving his knowledge and keeps adding to his education!!!
What an amazing person…
I am glad to know him!
I wish I could have gone back for the night party!
But by then I was exhausted and glad to relax for a second!!!
It never gets boring in this profession!
And even though you don’t see me in the gym , doesn’t mean I’m not working (lol)

Hi everyone, I like to thank Freddie’s Nutrition in giving me the opportunity to be part of his commercial advertising and behalf of the Las Vegas Figure & Bikini Team. Thank you again Freddie!!!!! Love the commercial!!!!!

Client – Olivia

Starting weight: 164
Starting Body Fat%: 34%

Before & After Body Composition

Before I decided to join Angela and Claudia’s Group Figure and Bikini Training, I attempted SEVERAL diets. Pretty much every crash diet imaginable. It even became sort of a joke among friends to say, “What diet is Olivia doing now?!” I even tried good ol’ working out and (what I thought was) healthy eating. However, I would work my butt off with no change…I even watched my weight climb back up!

So, here I was 26 lbs. heavier after dropping 40 lbs. on HCG. Fatter than ever…no hope…almost accepting that this was how I was going to live the rest of my life….blood pressure meds, too tired to play with my 2 young daughters…not exactly the role model I was expecting. At my lowest weight (post kids), I was still embarrassed to wear tight clothing. I was skinny fat. Muffin top. Jelly belly…you name it! On top of all of this, I knew that I had a very unhealthy relationship with food.

Then, I stumbled upon a picture….I never knew how much that picture would impact my life. What picture you ask???? It was the advertisement for Angela and Claudia’s 12 week transformation. I carried the LVAC magazine (which still sits on my nightstand for motivation) with me for about a week before calling. I spoke to Angela to get the details and knew right away that I had to find any way possible to get in that gym and get with these girls….I just knew there was something amazing there!!!

This whole journey has completely flipped my life around. I’ve learned how to eat properly and enjoy….YES, enjoy it! I’ve learned how to work-out (and not feel intimidated by fit people in the gym). I’ve learned to watch my body shrink instead of getting hung up on the numbers on the scale. Most importantly, I was becoming the role model that I wanted to be for my girls.

Not only did I find a community that accepts me, encourages me, and challenges me, but I found new goals….better goals. Although I know that I have so much more that I want to achieve, I am going to also take the time to enjoy all the steps this far. I look forward to…and completely trust my trainers…and my new extended family to help me become my best!!! It’s wonderful to know that I have all this….from my 12 week transformation!!! Angela and Claudia ROCK!!