Supplements and Vitamins

As I am sitting here waiting to wake up I am remembering my very first Competition in 1998!
It was the Vegas Classic .
My trainers name was Bebe, a French girl that had been competing for many years.
At that time I was a workoutaholic!
To my suprise I was cut down on cardio (from 60 min a day to 30), and to only 4 days of weight training instead of 5 or 6….
I wasn’t allowed to do anything in addition physically .
My diet was super clean, and my supplements in moderation!
I wasn’t allowed fat burners until 6 weeks out….
How was I suppose to lose weight ( my addicted brain asked)?
Well, I did!
My friends and colleges could see significant changes after only one week!
I was 100% on my diet and prescribed cardio!
I didn’t overtrain anymore, and my body finally had the chance to change!
Also my training heartrate was no more than 65% and made me lose mostly body fat and not muscle!
I remember I asked Bebe what heart rate she wanted me to be, she looked at me and said” you sit on the bike and go…”
But we did cardio together she was never in high levels!
Yet she was always extremely lean!
I competed in Bodybuilding since there was no Figure, or Bikini division in 1998!
I placed 5th place and was happy 🙂
This is what it taught me:
More is not always better!
If you are 100% on your diet your body will do what it is suppose to do!
High heart rates do not burn more fat, they just burn more calories!
( calories that come from carbohydrates that you don’t eat = metabolizing your muscle to make glycogen and burn it = muscle loss)
You don’t have to over supplement yourself with everything that is on the market, but you have to take the right supplements!

One thing I love about Freddie from Freddie’s Nutrition is that he guides you to high quality supplements without the high price tag!
That’s just the person he is!
Don’t forget to stop by Freddie’s Nutrition in Vegas for your supplemental needs, or simply click on the link on this page!
Thanks 🙂

Honestly there is none!
I used to think that I could eat whatever I like, but ending up in gaining 20-25 pounds between competitions!!!
Years ago I’ve even tried to bulk up while eating the wrong foods and ended up 35 pounds heavier…
So after losing 45 pounds I realized I wasn’t any more masculine than before!
Yes, you can bulk up on clean foods and gain some muscle.
You will have to do this slow and consistent 😉
However you can’t get of clean eating in your off season….
Don’t expect while you are on the beer and pizza diet to come back and get into tip top competition stage in a short period of time….
I’ve talked to Competition Judges so many times, and all of them will tell you the same thing:
It is MOST IMPORTANT what you do in your off season!!!
More so than what you are doing on your 4-8- or 12 week program!
How you train, and especially what you eat and how you supplement!
Your body will get better each and every time, but you can not get of clean eating and training and expecting a magic pill!!!
YOU are responsible for YOUR body!
Plain and simple!
Any questions?

Please visit Freddie’s Nutrition in Las Vegas for all your nutritional needs,

Or simply click on the link on this page 🙂

In your first 4 weeks you will experience a change in water weight!
Releasing a lot of unwanted water retention in your body!
You may fit into a smaller size!
The first two weeks may be the hardest since your body will go through a detox, getting rid of garbage from processed foods , sugar, and chemicals…
Flu like symptoms, headache and achiness can show up!
4-8 weeks you can see dramatic changes in your appearance as long as you are consistent with your diet!!!
Muscle bellies are starting to form and round, skin color is changing , you feel highly energetic and strong 🙂
Hair and nails will grow faster!
Higher amount of B Complex can also darken hair and lessen grey!
Skin is clearing up.
8-12 weeks: your body is completely changing with less body fat in your midsection!
Your gluteus go were they need to be ( high and round), your legs and arms show definition …
You feel amazing and want to show it of 😉
Never give up after the first 4 or 6 weeks.
If you have been on a long low calorie eating plan, it may take your body a little longer to adjust!
Eating healthy is a lifestyle!
Diets are temporary and can’t be maintained for long periods of time!
Make healthy living your routine, a part of your life!
Remember to be good to your body…
One day you will have to give it back, and what will you tell God if it’s all broken?

For information about supplements to help with your process, please contact Freddie’s Nutrition

Or simply click on the link on this page…..Thanks!