
Body Revision Team Vegas is growing like crazy!!!
Omg 🙂
This Amazing Team of Professionals are doing their job, and doing it well 🙂
Not only is our Group Training growing, but also our online business and one on ones ….
If you are looking for one on one Training please contact Reid Burk or Jorgelina Ruize by emailing me at
Looking for Group Training for a amazing price?
Body Revision is your choice!
Online Training specials going on right now!!!
Body Revision will be adding more session soon…
Our Team of Professionals includes Freddie’s Nutrition. Aliante Chiropractic, Simply Radiant, Pacific Tan (fascials and massage), and Haute Shots Photography!!!
Join us as your number one to get into shape and feel great for summer!
Thank you 🙂

Freddie’s Nutrition can help you with all your supplement needs whether it is to lose, gain, of just feel amazing!
Just click on the link right here and enter Freddie’s online store!!!

Whether it is about muscle gain or weight loss, it takes real effort to do!
You have to be consistent!!!
You need a Plan!
You have to be aware of your doing…
In muscle gain your diet and supplementation has to be on the dot!!!
You can not miss a meal or skip a workout.
I know it sounds crazy, but gaining muscle is much harder than losing body fat.
But just as in weight loss, you have to be aware of everything you put in your mouth!!!
Am I feeding my muscle or my body fat?
Remember that there are no excuses!!!
The only person to believe them is you 😉
You are responsible for your own action.
There is always someone else busier than you achieving their goal!
I have used excuses myself in the past….
Until you have a self talk and realize that you are the only obstacle in your life!!!
Not your husband, kids, job, bla…bla…bla…
It is you!!!
We are a spoiled society.
We get everything handed to us.
Time to step it up!!!
Sadly it takes until a terrible disease like becoming diabetic or getting cancer for a person to straighten out…
And some people don’t change even then…
You have to sit down and have that self talk!!!
Is this food worth my health?
Do I continue until I get cancer, hypertension, a heart attack , stroke, or become diabetic?
What’s my choice?
Remember it is ALL up to YOU!!!
You are responsible for you!
Yes, it will take a long time to lose that weight, but time will pass anyway and you will still be miserable ….
It is your time to take charge.
Take control over your life.
It is about effort 🙂
Make time to prepare your meals!
If you want to use an excuse stop now!!!
There are companies that will prepare your food according to your needs!
Not drinking enough water?
If you cut out sodas and Starbucks you will 😉
No time for exercise?
The gym is open 24/7
Or go walk outside 🙂
Have you noticed that the more time you have, the less time you have?
That means “move your butt”!!!
You are simply moping around and waisting time (lol)
Yes, I’ve been there 🙂
Make an effort for change, because this is something that nobody can help you with!!!
….this is real talk….

Remember to see Freddie at Freddie’s Nutrition for all your Supplements!
Best prices in town!
Best service!
Thank you 🙂

I have to say that most of my clients trust me 100% .
They will follow most I tell them to the T , unless it is time !
These are the people to achieve results!
The closer one get to be 100% to plan, the faster results happen!
There is a big misconception on caloric intake because of the Nutrition Plans that are out there in the media!
The typical 1200 calory diet….
Liquid diets…
None of them can be substained over a long period of time!
Once you go back to your typical eating all your weight , and more will come back!!!
Your body now acts like a sponge and absorbes everything you eat, just to put it right into your fat stores to protect itself from your next hunger episode!
Last week one of my clients was complaining that she had very fast results just eating nothing but vegetables!!!
That my dear is a detox!
You can not go on living forever with only vegetables…
Another one told me she gained 3 pounds of weight on a daily intake of 1500 calories!
That is simply impossible!!!
It takes 3500 calories to gain one pound of fat!!!
Which means you would have to eat a additional of 10500 calories to your everyday intake over your Maintanance to gain that!
That’s a lot of food :-/
I am teaching lifestyle change 🙂
Clean nutritious food in right amounts!
Depending on you personally your diet will be changed just for your needs 🙂
But in order for me to do that you will have to follow exactly what has been given to you!
There is always the super hard working client!
The client you will sometimes hold back to not cause any overtraining …
Of course there is always someone expecting the magic pill that does not exist ….
Then there is the “Tester”!!!
A client that is very smart and know a lot, but not necessarily in my field…
They will constantly test you!
Someone that might need a lot of attention and would be doing much better on a more personal basis like one on one training!
Sometimes this person will eventually adjust to the group.
Sometimes because of insecurity will start poisening the group setting.
That’s when the Trainer will have to decide whether to keep the client, or if it is better for everyone to let the client go!
This sort of client mostly will get only little or no result just to prove the trainer wrong.
We all have been there!
Group Training is about a Team!
Every Team member pushes hard to achieve optimum results!
Every Team member will motivate others in the Team!
There is no Competing who know more and who is prettier….only can u do this weight? Or can I be stricter on my plan to achieve the same results 🙂
I love our Team!
We give 100% effort and support!!!
That’s what a big family is all about 🙂

For all your Supplements please visit Freddie’s Nutrition in Las Vegas, or simply click on the link right here to enter his online store!

Thank you 🙂

We are emotional beings.
All of us deal differently with stress and anxiety!
I like to say we are all emotional eaters, whether you eat or don’t eat when you are stressed out!!!
Either way it has to do with food…
Many of my clients won’t tell me exactly what they do, however I can tell…
If you are consistent with your diet, your body will eventually lose…
Even if you stay for a period of time, something shifts (muscle to fat ratio)
Muscle density does not come from binge cycles ….it comes from consistency!
Consistency in your program and consistency in nutrition!!!
Binging out, then trying to make up for it through fasting and cleansing, just to go back to binging!
You keep losing quality muscle and exchange it with fat!
Remember you can not live forever on vegetable juice!!!
Balance is the key to achieve the results you acquire .
Protein, fat, and carbohydrates should all be present with each meal !
Proteins from fish and chicken, some plant.
Fats from avocado, nuts, seeds, olive oil in small amounts , and carbohydrates…
More with your morning meals, less later, and only plant at night!
But remember all vegetables have carbohydrates!
When you grave sugar or chocolate your body wants carbs…
As soon as you eat some rice or oats or potato, the graving will subside 🙂
Try it next time!
Never wait more than 3 hours between meals !
Don’t go shopping hungry!!!
Never go to dinner or party’s starving…
Eating 5-6 small meals every 3 hours and staying away from simple sugars can prevent diabetis later in life!!!
There are also supplements that help prevent glucose from dropping so low that you need to binge.
Freddie’s Nutrition has a wide variety to chose from 😉
If you are in Las Vegas don’t forget to visit Freddie’s Nutrition on Flamingo or Sahara, and if not please click on the Freddie’s link on this page to enter his online store!!!
Thank you!

I have blogged about this subject many times before.
However recently I feel more and more the urge to motivate you guys to improve your body through working with your connective tissue!
Not to long ago it has been recognized that our connective tissue (fascia) surrounding our muscles and connecting to joints is very articulate in deed!
Tightness, imbalance, pain and loss in flexibility has very much to do with Fascia and our nervous system in how they communicate with each other!
This blog will be in my primitive verbiage and put the way it’s in my mind (lol)!!!
We are all slaves of repetitive movements…
Whether it is sitting on a desk all day, running a marathon, using the same exercise or cardio machine, or bring lazy and lying in bed all day!
Sleeping the wrong way….
Standing all day…
Everything is repetitive and causes inflammation in your tissue!
Our muscles never completely shut of!!!
While you are sitting in your office, your hip flexors stay activated while your gluteus got the memo to turn of…
After several hours of work getting out of your chair becomes a struggle…
Your gluteus have gotten lazy and won’t respond, your hip flexors are pulling the from of your body giving you a hinged over posture, your hamstrings and lower back are the back up for your body to get you out of that darn chair!!!
Lower back pain?
Quad tightness and knots?
Neck tightness?
Shoulder pain?
Sounds familiar?
Stretching is of most importance!!!
Yes, it doesn’t burn tons of calories…
It’s not a lot of fun…
But it is extremely important to keep your body balanced!
Sometimes stretching alone is not enough…
This is when Myofascial release comes in!
Using a Foam roller (they come with a manual), roll on a regular basis (every other day) over all problem areas, but include attaching muscles as well!
Which means your whole body 😉
Finish by a 15-20 minute stretching routine!
Remember it takes about 20 sec per stretch to command your receptors “it’s time to let go”, so do not go to fast!!!
Next step up would be DMS!!!
In my opinion DMS is send to us from heaven!!!
Deep Muscle Stimulation!
To me DMS is not painful, rather a feel good service like Deep
Tissue massage…
But depending on your sensitivity and pain tolerance you may experience it differently!
DMS sends hundreds of vibrations into the deepest muscle tissue, changing the way of your nervous system, losening fascia tightness, taking care of trigger points and inflammation of all kind!!!
Yes, you might have a lower pain tolerance and experience it different from me..
Yes, you might get bruising depending of sensitivity and elasticity of your tissue…
But in every case it helps!!!
Gain back your range of motion!
Be pain free!
Get your strength back!
Who really cares about bruises that go away!
If you would like to know more about DMS please contact me!
Years of imbalance might have thrown your kinetic chain completely of!!!
Now you are carrying 40 pounds on your cervical spine, your lordosis is going out of control, your posture is making you look old and tired!
Aliante Chiropractic would be a next step to work with your imbalance and create synergy to your muscles.
Dr Jason Jaeger has developed a special Traction Application that will help over several session to bring your body back into alignment!!!
“Cracking” your spine and joints will only work momentarily until your tight muscles are pulling back into out of place!
It is one of the most advanced and least invasive procedures on the market!!!
How can you stay in balance without having to go through extreme measures?
Stretching every day!!!
Join a Yoga Class…
Lvac is offering amazing classes all included in your membership!!!!
If your body is beyond simple as is mine, start making time to see Eric Sparks with Functionality Maximized, and Dr Jason Jaeger with Aliante Chiropractic!

For all your Supplemental needs please visit Freddie’s Nutrition or simply click on the Freddie’s link on this page!
Thank you 🙂