Supplements and Vitamins

Client Yasmin:

Body Revision By Claudiaย Weight-Loss Progress Report shows Yasmin before and after pictures of her 12-WEEK TRANSFORMATION.ย  WOW!!!!!!




Yasmin is now going to compete for the first time ย in the BIKINI COMPETITION in November 2012. Here is a sneak video of her practicing her routine/posing. “LOOKING BEAUTIFUL AND FABULOUS!!!!!”.Smile


Body Revision by Claudia can transform your body to a competition physique . If you don’t want to compete, well that’s okay! Everyone likes to have a nice lean body and be PROUD and CONFIDENT of your new body. I can help you achieve your weight-loss goals and further take you to the next level of competing. My fitness and nutrional programs is designed to suit your weight-loss needs. So, don’t wait!!!! My programs are FUN and ENTERTAINING!!!!!!! FEEL GREAT!!! GET FIT FOR LIFE!!!!!!

For more information, please call me @ (702)528-5011 or email me @



Claudia Aquino of Body Revision is offering Competition Training in Bikini, Figure as well as Physique!
Let my 14 years of training Competitors and 19 Competition experience guide you!
Customized meal plans for your personal needs as well as cardiovascular guidance and weekly weight and body fat included!
Competition preparation, supplemental suggestion, and online support as well as being there whenever you need me.
It doesn’t matter whether you compete or just want that beautiful competition body, I’m your choice for success!!!
Prices on special right now until January 1st!
Contact me at (702) 528-5011 or email me at
Thank you!

For all your supplemental needs please visit Freddie’s Nutrition in Las Vegas, or simply click on the Freddie’s link on this page!

Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

Obviously this program can get complex if you are dealing with someone on a Vegan diet!
It is not as challenging as long as a person still eats some sort of animal protein!
Being Vegan is a little bit more complicated!
Well… It makes a difference if someone just wants to eat healthy while maintaining their weight!
You would have to include a larger amount of rice and beans to make up all the essential amino acids that are responsible to build muscle, hair, skin, bones….
We do not lose body fat on high amounts of starch…
Tofu and soy containing foods will increase estrogen levels, hold water and body fat in your tissue and prevent weight loss/ body fat loss!!!
What to do???
Supplementation ๐Ÿ™‚
There are some great tasting Vegan Protein supplements out there …
I am talking about shakes ๐Ÿ™‚
You can still eat genoa and rice and beans, but in smaller amounts!
Remember that your body needs all essential amino acids to synthesis the non essential amino acids in order to build muscle!
Otherwise you are just waisting calories….
Have a good amino acid supplement handy ( BCAA’s or essentials in pill form ) to ad to your food and give your body the chance to get protein were it needs to go!
Feeling tired? Sleepy? No energy? Can’t lose weight or body fat? Hair loss? Pale skin? Cranky?
You might be low in protein and vitamin B!!!
Always supplement what is missing from your food ๐Ÿ™‚
If you are still feeling crappy after supplying your body with the needed nutrition, seek the help of a registered dietician !
Have your nutrition levels checked by either urin or blood sample!
Changing your intake and supplementation can take about 4 weeks to registere in your body, depending on how long you have had a deficit!

If you like this blog, please donate to the Trio’s Animal Foundation!
For all your supplemental needs please see Freddie’s Nutrition in Las Vegas, or simply visit his online store by clicking on the link on this page!
Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

Taking care of your joints is obliviously very important!
We can’t forget about them while we are younger and end up severely injured or restricted in movement as we get older!
Be smart and listen to your body is the key in preventing serious damage, but you can also feed your joints the right fuel to keep lubrication, and deal with inflammation ….
The right supplements can help your body in replacing cartillage and keep range of motion of your joints.
Omega 3 6 and 9 help lower the symptoms of arthritis.
Chondroitin helps with symptoms of osteoarthritis.
Vitamin D lowers inflammation!
Hyaluronic Acid lubricates the joint.
Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulfate are the building blocks of healthy joints and connective tissue…
Tumeric, bromelain, boswella, pantothenic acid are all inflammation fighters!!!
MSM improved recovery ๐Ÿ™‚
How about this: our body is made from Collagen!
Hair, nails, joints, tendons, bones, muscles, skin…
These are amazing supplements!
You can find great combinations in a single dosage!
They all work and they are worth the money!
Protect your joints, your health and your well being ๐Ÿ™‚
Where can you find them?
Not at your local Pharmacy or Walmart!!!
Go to a high quality Nutrition Store as Freddie’s in Las Vegas!
You can also purchase online simple by clicking on the Freddie’s link on the page!
Check it out ๐Ÿ™‚

We heard this before!
Female Athletes stop ovulating and lose their periods because of overtraining and muscle to fat ratio!
Happens to most athletes, but is most known to gymnasts!
Funny that this will also happen to most Competitors!!!
It has nothing to do with testosterone injection…
Woman are meant to be higher in body fat than men simply because we are producing estrogen not only in our ovaries, but also in our fat tissue!!!
That is why later in life once a woman loses ovulation and doesn’t produce eggs to anymore, her body will hold on to fat tissue to make up for lost estrogen!
In competition training we are trying to get rid of our body fat to get that lean tight look while increasing muscle to shape and sculpt our body …
As your body fat decreases and your muscle mass increases your body will automatically produce more testosterone ( in your ovaries) and less estrogen ( in your fat tissue as well as ovaries ).
Within weeks of your program you will notice irregular cycles first.
Having your period twice per month, or skipping one month.
You will notice this if you are not on the birth control pill or similar methods.
Of course with some exceptions (me) that are still ovulating even in a 8% body fat range…
( I envy you)
Even after your program is done and you have increased calories and decreased workouts, increased body fat slightly more to a healthier range, your body may still need some time to get the signal
” we are back to normal”…
That’s why it is important to let yourself go back up slightly in body fat between competitions!
No ovulation can also lead to bone loss….
Just remember like being a little more emotional during this program, crazy cycles are somewhat normal as well!

If you like this blog please donate to the Trio’s Foundation!
For all your supplemental needs, please visit Freddie’s in Las Vegas or click on the Freddie’s link to enter his online shop!
Best prices, go Freddie’s!
Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚